Electoral punters continue to show their disgust at what's on offer. Another poll today shows that the desire for change is falling.
Main player for a change of government, the ever insipid Luxon, is still not willing to move off the centre fence. Seymour appears to be on target as he is attracting flak from rabid lefties who are trying to portray him as racist. Unfortunately both are ever ready to flip-flop like will-of-the-wisps to suit the occasion.
The outcome shows in the polls, with the great charlatan now showing as being a third player. Beware, as noted elsewhere his past deeds confirm that he is never to be trusted.
The dross of the small sub 5% parties remain a place to waste your vote. Fortunately that at present includes the thoroughly racist offering.
And the MSM with 30 pieces of silver still warm in their purses suggest maybe better the devil you know as does the current poll. They want a coalition of chaos of Greens and Labour to continue the economy wrecking trajectory.
God help New Zealand.