
Wednesday, February 07, 2024

Granny shows her bias...

New Labour data expected to paint a mixed picture of employment market. 

Yes Granny, your slip(up) is showing.

Sunday, February 04, 2024

Wondering why your FNDC rates increased 35+% recently?

He said the change was the council walking the talk in its goal to boost the use of te reo Māori within the organisation.

FNDC’s Te Kuaka – Te Ao Māori Committee adopted a new te reo Māori and tikanga policy last year which was adopted by the council in September.

He said the council’s new approach to te reo Māori inclusion showed the importance placed on the country’s indigenous language.

Tepania said council iwi partners had voiced support for a logo refresh.

“I’m really proud we are refreshing the council logo and restoring the indigenous name for our area: Te Kaunihera o Te Hiku o te Ika – the tail of the fish.

“Although it’s a small gesture, it’s a gesture to show we are walking the talk.”

He said the new logo was based on best-practice design principles and bilingual guidelines.

The refresh did not alter the council’s legal name – Far North District Council. It would have no financial impact for ratepayers beyond staff time required for the redesign.

As always the squeaky activist wheel gets greased.  "Iwi voiced support ...".  What about those ratepayer that actually fund your largesse?

"no financial impact ..." you say?  Just how much is being wasted on this exercise?

Our rates went up over 35% this year and still we have roads with zero preventative maintenance that eagerly await the lottery of the next minor rain event.  Roads that have been closed more than open in the past 5 years.

Just keep on paying your exorbitant rates English speaking ratepaying fools!  

Hopefully someone in the new coalition government might notice and curtail your excesses in pandering to grifters and their ilk.

from Granny

Saturday, February 03, 2024

The Prime Minister's mis-informed view

My personal view is it's a relationship between Crown and iwi, it's akin to a partnership 

Luxon is deluded.  When the natives / savages kick off over the next few days, egged on by the ill-informed that still consider the treaty is a partnership, he'll do well to remember all of New Zealand is watching.  Watching his every indecisive move as he continues to grovel to those whom will never vote for his party but like to travel firmly seated on the gravy train. 

Principles, partnerships, co-governance and the mythical eh-oh-tea-rower are never mentioned in any of the original treaty articles I've ever seen.

Definitely a one term PM.  And then his hold on the reins may be severely curtailed as ACT's moves are lifting the scab on the long-festering pus filled wound that afflicts New Zealand.