
Wednesday, December 04, 2019

Get over yourselves, it's a cartoon!

The easily offended are out in droves today.

He responded to criticism in 2013, writing: "There have been other hostile reaction to cartoons over the years, most often from special interest groups, race relations conciliators and other martyrs to political correctness." 

Tremain got it right the last time.

Please convince me...

Ngati Whatua Orakei has long harboured an ambition to ... our former land and Waitemata seabed ...

... master plan for the reclaimed land currently occupied by the Ports of Auckland

It would seem that some wish for first dibs on the soon to be ex-port land if Winston First's vote buying exercise comes to fruition.  No doubt as in the picture accompanying the pay-walled article, to build chiefly accommodations for the tribal elite.

Please convince me why should these modern day would-be thieves should have any rights to the soon to be redundant port area.  Other than their possibly BFF Shane has a wad of taxpayer cash that needs to be homed before next year's election.

An area where Point Britomart was probably levelled into those reclamations.  The same re-claimed land that what was probably muddy sea bed of dubious qualities pre-1840 or so, rather than the 21st century now prime seashore frontage. 

No doubt the good city burghers of the day designated and acquired adjacent hard foreshore areas with a fair price from the local owners, be it beads and blankets or a few shillings more and subsequently paid for by the taxpayers of the day.

Go on, convince me why should these would-be thieves have rights above that of the current owners, Jafaland taxpayers?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

WTF #34258 in a series???

Yet again the poor wee darlings are getting triggered...

going to a supermarket can leave her feeling guilty and overwhelmed about the amount of plastic present

was surprised when he started sweating and wanting to flee during a "suffocating" visit to his local supermarket in Auckland three weeks ago

Counsellors and psychologists are seeing an increase in patients presenting with plastic-triggered anxiety

The enablers of such dim-wittery, the so called counsellors who are ever present in our institutions and places of education, should be banned from practicing their modern witchcraft.

If you want to eat in this modern world of just-in-time food sourcing and consumption, you need to appreciate all the things that our oil based society does for you.  Including the fuel that got you and your food to the little shop of horrors, on that oil based roadway.

Harden up snowflakes!

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Assisted suicide / Murder your Granny day has arrived

David Seymour's End of Life Choice bill faces its final Parliamentary hurdle tonight

Even after having witnessed the pain and suffering of dying close relatives, there is still no way I could ever support today's Murder your Granny bill becoming law. 

Making such a decision for assisted suicide is not an option I personally could live with.  Or should ever force on to those in terminal care.

Thursday, November 07, 2019

National decides to remain in opposition forever

National will support the Zero Carbon Bill

Those at National will never get my vote whilst they support this business destroying climate change / carbon nonsense.

Enjoy your next 4 years and longer in opposition as your Labour-Lite follows the herd into the abyss of socialism, as I long for a principled right of centre party.   And ACT is not that with their current loopy assisted suicide / murder your granny policies.

Whilst business in New Zealand is gutted by greenie ferals, the world will continue unabated.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

TSB: Last of the big spenders

The three teams that earned no money at on The Block NZ: Firehouse auction are to get a little sweetener.

TSB, a sponsor of The Block NZ, has announced it will give $10,000 to each of the losing teams

6 people work for 12 weeks at a minimum of 40 hours a week as unpaid captives on the recently completed reality show for losers.  All for the high grossing sponsors who happily charge like the proverbial for their way overpriced products.

TSB gets a conscience twinge and coughs some dollars for the losers who failed at auction.

By my calcs sub-$10.50/hr and likely to be way lower given the hours. Don't we have minimum wage laws about slave labour?  Even the supposed winners worked for less than $50/hr based on their takings.

Betcha the judges, the presenter and the site supervisor achieved well north of $100 plus. Also I'd be surprised that the tradies didn't get paid handsomely.

How effing generous of TSB.  Not! 

All the sponsors should be publicly shamed and patronage withdrawn.

Tuesday, August 06, 2019

Look! A squirrel!

As the New Zealand Labour Party descends into the rabbit hole of ever expanding allegations, innuendo and coverups over a certain summer camp, the Princess of NZ fails to comment citing the item is before the judiciary. 

Meanwhile, a squirrel has been seen.  The bearer of that news should Foxtrot Oscar and stay away from further wrecking NZ.  The Princess is doing a good job of that by herself, don't interrupt her.  Seems to be a female trait.

And in the end it's always the coverup that's going to get them. 

Alluvium and taniwha

The science with consequences:

Alluvial fans are often ... subjected to periodic flash floods from nearby thunderstorms in local hills. The typical watercourse ... has a large, funnel-shaped basin at the top, leading to a narrow defile, which opens out into an alluvial fan at the bottom. Multiple braided streams are usually present and active during water flows.

The river or stream carrying the sediment flows at a relatively high velocity due to the high slope angle, which is why coarse material is able to remain in the flow. When the slope decreases rapidly into a relatively planar area or plateau, the stream loses the energy it needs to move its sediment. Deposition subsequently occurs and the sediment ultimately spreads out, creating an alluvial fan.

Fast forward to the 21st century:

Up pops yet another climate seer ready to infest our local government. With more rates required of course.

says councils are having difficulty making climate-related decisions generally but they need to make sure Māori interests aren't forgotten

local councils could be making decisions that create problems for the Crown for modern Treaty breaches

And in the same article, the local tribalists have their say, ever ready to accept more bribes whilst not being beholden to anyone but themselves.  I also see one convicted ex-MP fraudster has thrown her outstretched hands into the mix.

The Māori legend was this flooding happens when occasionally the lizard flicks its tail and washes everything out from side to side

We will continue to seek resourcing from them to support our efforts but we're not waiting for them to determine what those efforts should be

Meanwhile in the real world:

No sign of mythical monsters anywhere in Greece where only optimists build on alluvial fans.  Or on Mars for that matter.  Earthquakes and rain do not mix.

Saturday, August 03, 2019

NZ is ruled by a mob

In my opinion Ardern has crossed the line, she has interfered in a contractual arrangement between two consenting parties. By so doing she has opened the door to future protests and expectations that all protesters have to do is foment trouble and they will get what they want.

The message this sends to business and investors and anyone concerned with the rule of law is in my view a very negative one. It suggests that NZ is ruled by a mob, to which a weak PM yields.

This decision by Ardern to involve herself in this dispute is ill-judged and wrong.

A short but well said summary of proceedings.

I see the head truck driver that supposedly leads said mob is to grace the  site with his presence today.

Kiingi Tūheitia is visiting Ihumātao this morning with the aim to “seek a pathway for resolution”

No doubt further emboldening the shit stirring rabble.

Friday, August 02, 2019

A flowchart for Boris


flogged from here.  No Deal is the only option.

Enslaved in bureaucracy - what the people really want

keep the British people enslaved in the bureaucratic nightmare.

To remind Johnson and his government in the simplest of terms,  some of the issues about which the British people care the most:

They want an end to open border mass immigration and imposed multi-culturalism.

They want to stop surrendering control over their laws, money, borders and fishing grounds to the unelected bureaucrats of the European Union. (i.e. they want to leave the EU)

They want an end to the continued influx of refugees when there is a shortage of housing, school places, money, health care provision and compounded by a breakdown in law and order.

This issue is especially annoying when the oil rich states of the middle east have the money, the space and the facilities but refuse to take any refugees whatsoever.

They want an end to wasting ever increasing sums of money on foreign aid to dictators and frivolous causes abroad when there is a desperate shortage of money for investment at home.

They want to stop wasting billions of taxpayer's money on a futile attempt to alter the climate by the end of the century. They want an end to the nonsense about a climate emergency, there isn’t one

If there was there’s nothing on this tiny island we can do to stop it.

They want an end to the curtailment of their ancient freedoms by the imposition of rigidly policed political correctness. This includes freedom of speech and the right to form opinions and speak about them openly without fear of arrest by zealous, agenda driven police officers.

I will conclude by saying that the British people demand that we leave the corrupt and failing European Union and all its institutions absolutely and entirely on October 31st, 2019. 

A summary of what people really want, as Mr Johnson's 90-day clock rather quickly runs down.  Let's hope he succeeds with his No Deal.

As highlighted by me, all of it is totally applicable here in Godzone.

This year, upcoming local government wannabees looking for my vote would do well to heed the above.  Politicians of all stripes in central government looking for my vote in 2020 again should take note of what people really want.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Property rights in NZ? At about 30.

Prior to the Princess jetting off to sunnier climes again for yet another holiday on the taxpayer dime, she set property rights in New Zealand back centuries.

Here's a scale of where countries sit on property rights:

Each country is graded according to the following criteria:
  • 100—Private property is guaranteed by the government. The court system enforces contracts efficiently and quickly. The justice system punishes those who unlawfully confiscate private property. There is no corruption or expropriation.
  • 90—Private property is guaranteed by the government. The court system enforces contracts efficiently. The justice system punishes those who unlawfully confiscate private property. Corruption is nearly nonexistent, and expropriation is highly unlikely.
  • 80—Private property is guaranteed by the government. The court system enforces contracts efficiently but with some delays. Corruption is minimal, and expropriation is highly unlikely.
  • 70—Private property is guaranteed by the government. The court system is subject to delays and is lax in enforcing contracts. Corruption is possible but rare, and expropriation is unlikely.
  • 60—Enforcement of property rights is lax and subject to delays. Corruption is possible but rare, and the judiciary may be influenced by other branches of government. Expropriation is unlikely.
  • 50—The court system is inefficient and subject to delays. Corruption may be present, and the judiciary may be influenced by other branches of government. Expropriation is possible but rare.
  • 40—The court system is highly inefficient, and delays are so long that they deter the use of the court system. Corruption is present, and the judiciary is influenced by other branches of government. Expropriation is possible.
  • 30—Property ownership is weakly protected. The court system is highly inefficient. Corruption is extensive, and the judiciary is strongly influenced by other branches of government. Expropriation is possible.
  • 20—Private property is weakly protected. The court system is so inefficient and corrupt that outside settlement and arbitration is the norm. Property rights are difficult to enforce. Judicial corruption is extensive. Expropriation is common.
  • 10—Private property is rarely protected, and almost all property belongs to the state. The country is in such chaos (for example, because of ongoing war) that protection of property is almost impossible to enforce. The judiciary is so corrupt that property is not protected effectively. Expropriation is common.
  • 0—Private property is outlawed, and all property belongs to the state. People do not have the right to sue others and do not have access to the courts. Corruption is endemic.

I'd say by pandering to the Mangere mob of stirrers she has put property rights at 30 in NZ where 'expropriation is possible'.

Property ownership is weakly protected - check - the government doesn't believe in your rights as some are seen as more equal than others.
The court system is highly inefficient - check - try keeping your project on track through the courts to enforce your rights.
Corruption is extensive - check - read koha will fix anything from mythical monsters to colonisation.
The judiciary is strongly influenced by other branches of government - check - read ToW con-artists with their ever outstretched hands prevail at all levels of government and society.
Expropriation is possible - check - just ask Fletchers about where their project stands now that the rabble rousers have encamped upon their land.

Going on her previous utterances, to paraphrase

"Property rights? You'll know when you see one"

Friday, July 26, 2019

A concerned citizen writes...

Their are likely to be a fight with the Natives soon at the Bay in consequence of Honi Heki having again cut down the Flag Staff and taken away all the Blocks and ropes belonging to the same the sooner it comes to a fight the better as they have now got so saucy there are no living for them.

The Governor is such a Weather Cock that it is not safe to do anything, as the Mauries may come and destroy all one has in the Country, and still you have no redress he is again sending to Sydney for Troops and says he is determined to give them a thrashing this time I sincerely hope he will do so

Came across this excerpt in an 1845 letter from a concerned citizen

He notes that the government of the day is useless, incapable of decision, swinging this way and that whilst he opines that idle natives are not good for would be colonising settlers.  And only 5 years after Queen Vic made them all British subjects to stop such carrying on.

Fast forward 174 years, as we watch Bastion Point 2.0 unfolding, I see nothing has changed, with many idlers and fellow travellers coming to 'destroy all one has in the Country'.

Possibly the 'saucy' are still in need of a good thrashing.  They got away with Bastion Point 1.0, now a new generation of idlers is trying it on.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reading between the goverment lines...

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says it would be inappropriate for the Government to intervene as the local iwi ... is supportive of the development

From my reading between those lines:

Nice to see this openly transparent transformative government would intervene on a property owner of a legally held property should affected parties not enjoy the the patronage of  the local stone age tribe.

Elsewhere I note these same local tribes are to receive a bribe koha in the form of a quarter of said property for nothing for their patronage of the project.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Have you noticed the new fashion trend in NZ?

Every second ad on the telly now features a hijab (or similar) wearing adherent of the religion of peace in the background hordes.

Seems NZ's Princess has started a fashion trend amongst the ad creators.

Can you feel the wokeness?

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Labour Lite being a schoolyard tosser

Simon thinks he's got the Coalition of Losers over a barrel by leaking some numbers pre-Budget. 

Merely minor detail no doubt leaked by some disaffected loser.

Entertaining though watching Winston First having a spaz over the validity or not.

What goes round, comes around.  Simon it won't be you (of that I'm sure) having to deal with a future Nat budget being leaked, but at sometime in the future Labour Lite will hopefully cease being dragged ever leftward by Labour, get elected after acting like a real National Party.

So Simon instead of being a schoolyard dickhead over numbers which everyone will know in a couple of days, how about doing something real like being an Opposition with cojones? 

When's Judith taking over?

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

We're doomed...

I wonder how long before all councils are cornered and engage in this utter rubbish.

The Princess is on yet another overseas jaunt to Paris sprinkling fairy dust over her handlers and enablers for her future job at global HQ whilst spruiking the need to curtail free speech.

Meanwhile democracy in New Zealand is absolutely stuffed.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Labour: CGT failed, let's tear off this scab

New Zealand aims to be the first country in the world with an action plan to implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

So much for signing up to a 'not legally enforceable' declaration.

Lying bastard pollies went to great lengths to downplay it a couple of weeks ago when Mr Sharples fronted this matter.  It was briefly online today, a distraction from the major CGT fail, released just before a long weekend and now it is buried well away from prying eyes.

Not having our flagship CGT?  We'll show you as we tear off this scab! 

Maybe this is Winston's 30 pieces of silver for not backing the CGT.

Let's do this!

Monday, April 15, 2019

A message for the spineless National Party...

At last a modern man who is prepared to stand up what he truly believes in.  

Irrespective of the message, a modern hero, a man of principle.

For the spineless that infest the National Party, remind yourself that your party once stood on  principle.  Principles long forgotten in practice.

Friday, April 05, 2019

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Pass the spew bucket

Further to my last.

And she delivered ... 'It's about all of us,' she said, 'it's in the national interest and it's about safety'.

In other words "you have nothing to fear, the government is here to help".  Like Cindy, socialists worldwide will be creaming their knickers with a fully disarmed populace under total control of the thought police.

petitions have been started to get Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for her handling of the Christchurch Mosque shooting
She was the one who enabled online purchases of the recently banned weaponry last year.  Proved to have unintended consequence that decision and some nobody suggests St Jacinda is deserving of a Nobel.

Not my PM.  Every time I glance at the clickbait that masquerades as news, I feel the urge to throw up.

Now, where's that bucket?

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Never let a crisis go to waste

On 15 March our history changed forever 

The week so far:

The Ides of March 2019 was when the purge of conservative voices in New Zealand began in earnest.  I note that MacDoctor has been silenced.  The kaffir management at Ray White has seen fit to fire a couple of agents that are not speaking the narrative.

Every stripe of politician was desperate to be seen over the week front and centre.  Exuding empathy of course.  Not political point scoring.  A dingo brat egged a Senator over the ditch and managed to miss an assault charge.  And a whole lot of leftard nobodies fed the msm with clickbait for the masses.

On Saturday morning less than 24 hours in as the country was absorbing the tragedy, H1 gave Cindy her orders from afar to ban guns.  And so it comes to pass today 6 days later.

Proven criminals in the form of mobsters have offered their services and have been war dancing trying to ingratiate themselves into the community.  Whilst still plying their Mafia like core skills of thuggery and peddling drugs 24/7.  A bit like the Germans still trying to rejoin the human race half a century or so on after their last big outing.

I see the Foreign Minister is off to bait some Europeans.  Maybe another Kashoggi coming up says the PM of Turkey.

Democracy in the Judeo-Christian New Zealand went completely out the door.  Never let a crisis go by is the mantra of the purge.  Shades of the Night of the Long Knives of another age.

Tomorrow your ears will assaulted with wailing from a minaret near you.  Welcome to the newest sharia state - The Republik of Jacindastan.  

Never mind, H1 will be back soon to annointed as the inaugural first female Prez as Cindy ditches her scarf of empathy then disappears off to the globalist den of thieves.

Yes indeed, our history has changed in 6 short days.  God help us.

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Finally, some sense from a bureaucrat?

This is a business, not a charity

Wonders will never cease as a council trougher talks monetary sense.  Not that I'd believe the trougher for one second.

Pity they do not apply similar logic to other matters within the same rapacious council. 

The business cases for light rail to the airport, cycle ways come to mind.  Or Uber-like taxis for the gentrified too lazy to walk a mile or two to catch a ferry on their doorsteps.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Overnight flip flopping

Huawei "never were not" in the running, she said.

That didn't take long.  Less than 24 hours her indoors has flip flopped to follow Mother Britain.  Can't stand the blowtorch being applied.

Spineless cow.

Wednesday, February 06, 2019

"at quite a dangerous junction"

So says young Don that the savages might have heard if they had cared to listen rather than drowning him out with their cries of 'racism'.

An excellent speech, well measured like all of  Brash's speeches.  Nothing that could be deemed worthy of the catcalls.

Give it 50 years or so, if only the savages would listen rather than screaming epithets,  like that of Enoch's 'Rivers of Blood',  this and his Orewa speeches will be proved correct.

On the other hand, many non-Maori New Zealanders have become increasingly impatient with the never-ending Treaty settlement process, and more particularly impatient with the constitutional preferences which have increasingly been written into law.

A great many New Zealanders reject any notion that the Treaty of Waitangi created a “partnership” between Maori and the Crown

A dangerous juncture indeed, the full speech is here.

Tuesday, February 05, 2019

Savages doing what savages do best

Another Waitangi doesn't fail to disappoint, again showing off the finer points of the genes of the 'once were warriors' culture.

No platform given for a reasoned voice.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Corrected: The way it should be

It is hard to accept intolerable that a speeding driver flagrantly disregarding police authority should be left to race through city streets, but it is also intolerable hard to accept that a police response risks increasing the danger to the public.

There, I've corrected it for you.  

The way it should be.  A firm positive response to any feral that runs from them.  No hand wringing liberal type responses needed.  Good children do not scream FTP or run from Mr Plod.

Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Drug pedlars welcome news from Police Minister

Police Minister Stuart Nash wants to see all New Zealand music festivals kitted out with drug testing kits

He is supposed to uphold the law but has chosen to legalise the production of illicit drugs in New Zealand

misuse of drugs act – "if you have a test, you're admitting there are drugs on the site."

Now Mr Plod will have to cease catching druggies and release them all.  Fits with the Justice Minister's 'Catch and Release' policies.

adopting the practice in New Zealand was a "no brainier" (sic)

Sounds like an apt description of the Labour Party - no brains.  No doubt the gutless opposition will also be onboard with this idiotic policy.