
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Time to get off the fence Mr Luxon

Asked whether the calls for strike action on Budget Day as part of the nationwide activation were appropriate, Luxon said: “No, that would be illegal.

”I think that is wrong – I think that is entirely wrong. Feel free to protest, that’s what we have weekends for. Te Pāti Māori, they’re completely free to protest as long as it’s legal.

”It’s pretty clear what the rules are around strike action and I would suggest to you that’s not one of them.” 

"Illegal" you say?

Time is up, show the rabble who's in charge.  The rest of New Zealand watches with bated breath, knowing that you do not have the cojones to address this long festering issue.

Currently you are on a fast-track to being a one-term government.  National won't get a second chance, all are watching for definitive action.  Get off the fence. 


homepaddock said...

How is that on the fence? Such a strike would be illegal and that's what he said. Strikes are legal for a limited number of employment related issues including breaching a collective contract. They are not legal for political activism.

Anonymous said...

Yes, technically illegal as he stated. The fence sitting is from the never-ending lack of direct action or any endorsement with his coalition partners over these matters.

Luxon speaks with a forked tongue, promising action whilst the likes of Potaka (like Finlayson was also) are balls deep with the elites in the background ever determined to retain the status quo.

Unfortunately the coup of the savages is too far embedded in society / academia / education and nothing will probably ever be done. Luxon (and the stirrers) rely on the general apathy of New Zealanders.

PM of NZ