
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Zero work ethic and other consequences of welfarism

A real politician with feet on the ground makes it to the real world.  Well done Mr Seymour.  No sight of the local MPs!

Here's looking at you Matt King, zero work ethic.  Definitely a wannabee politician still wondering why the part-time Labour offering pipped him at the post. Blaming everyone except himself.

"They have a goal and they want to achieve something. That's not here. It's all been taken away from New Zealanders.

"Worth ethic is work ethic and you either have it or you don't. You apply yourself to the job or you don't."


Damn right!  That's what happens when you shovel ever greater levels of welfare as the only solution.

One day in the not so distant future a government might actually say if you do not work you do not get the welfare largesse to sit on the couch.  Will not happen under this newly elected government.

Largesse so readily sprayed around by all current pollies as election bribes.  And the turkeys voting them in wonder why the price of their food is rapidly climbing under the weight of minimum wages, increased taxes and other unfriendly to business regulations under bureaucracies like local government.

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