
Thursday, August 02, 2007

Take my kidz away CYFS

Once again the separatist party is making statements that their ilk have the situation under control and are dealing with the issue. Yes, we know. The talkfests, looking for ways to further screw funds out of the taxpayer trough is never ending.

Endless statistics, reports and daily events definitely show us otherwise, the beatings of children continue unabated. Along with a work for the dole scheme, which should be enforced immediately, the following should be actioned.
that beneficiary parents must contact welfare agencies to collect their money
Potential loss of surce funds might engender some personal responsibility for the wellbeing of their rugrats. The current case from Rotorua is soon likely to be a murder trial, judging by recent progress of the cruelly beaten infant.

Some would, such as Turia, bleat that many
might be too nervous to tell health professionals about abuse
I say, if they wish to partake of my taxes to fund their mostly self-inflicted lifestyles on welfare, the giving part comes with some basics. If they get a benefit for kids, those kids will be looked at by a health professional at say a minimum of monthly. So too, if they want the dole for being unemployed, that too comes with a proviso that real community work needs to be undertaken. Don't do the work, don't keep kids in touch with the appropriate agency - lose your access to my hard earnt taxes!

There are some who would use the following argument, forwarded by Turia
I know of constituents who have come to me, nervous that any approach to a government agency for help will end up with `CFYS is coming to take my kids away'
If they feel such a comment sums the state of their parental skills, then there is something definitely amiss, warranting immediate investigation. Hiding behind such a statement only continues to aid and abet the abusers.

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