
Tuesday, June 06, 2023

Mr Plod salivating over DNA collection

It is reported that Mr Plod is looking for a male of a certain age via DNA sampling now being acquired door-to-door in the Far North.

That will be fun.  A number of questions.  It would be fair to suggest that the alleged perp has no doubt already legged it to far off places, so how many remaining males of the designated age group will be willing to submit a sample?

I do wonder when some vociferous hand-wringing libertarian legal type will argue that such collection of data is illegal, it'll be in their 'rights'.  The $64K question is, like recently deemed illegal to retain photographs taken of up and coming criminal classes, can Mr Plod retain such samples long-term?

Maybe a fantastic opportunity to solve some older non-related crimes?

Mr Plod will be positively salivating at the thought of being able collect such data.  They will not be able to help themselves having acquired fresh data in the niche age group of older criminal classes from doing a trawl through current databases.

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