A $295,000,000.00 project to move 2000 commuters a day over the buckling bridge is about to complete, removing 500 cars a day, we are told.
This seems a hell of lot of money to shift a few, so I did some quick calcs. 2000 people / 500 cars is 4 per car. $295m / 2000 is $147,500.00 per person.
Alternatively, $295M / 500 cars is $590,000.00 per car replaced.
Now that is hardly what I might call cost effective. More like another project to implant a brass plaque upon for some council wallah. Poor, Poor ratepayers!
Lark Rise To Candleford – #26 – S03E05
1 hour ago
This gargantuan waste of money was a contributing factor for our move to the Bay of Islands in 2005. Not only were we being reamed for the costs but our travel times blew out from the normal suicide inducing delays to the point of complete gridlock.
This is greeny/ marxist bollocks at its very worst. Somebody has an idea that looked good in brisbane and decided Auckland should have one.
One of those was Joel Cayford who is an ARC councillor. This suckhole should have been planted under the first concrete pour, he pushed very hard for this fuck up, safe in the comfort of his devonport home knowing full well that working from home or hopping on a ferry to town was not an option for the 100,000 or so of us that would suffer for his utopian ideals.
Used to commute daily for over 20 years to Devonport from West Auckland via the buckling bridge and know full well the transport woes of an incomplete motorway system. Saw the light like yourself, got out of the smog and now commute from the kitchen to the dining table.
Suckhole: The same anti-Defence tree-hugger, who in an earlier life used to design missile and torpedo simulations for the Dutch and UK Defence, who was stridently anti-ANZAC frigates, calling them missile magnets.
The same person who would have had the Navy (zoned heavy industrial?) out of Devonport because he chose to live in a property near the base and the associated noise of ships in refit.
Notwithstanding that Defence still is the biggest employer by more than a mile on the Shore and had been on that site forever from when Auckland was created, being the core part of the local history.
Devonport needs to be part of the eastern motorway link - straight from Papakura, through Hobson Bay, across the creek, around Mt Vic and up the gasworks straight, past the suckhole.
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