The National-Maori Party agreement includes:
* Work to develop Whanau Ora, including a commissioning agency in the next 12 months
* A Ministerial Committee on Poverty chaired by Deputy Prime Minister Bill English, and deputy chaired by Mrs Turia
* A doubling of the rheumatic fever programme from $12m to $24m
* Progress iwi as housing providers through the Social Housing Unit
* Continuing the constitutional review
* Refocusing Te Puni Kokiri on Maori employment, training, housing and education outcomes
* Work on plain packaging for cigarettes
A sop for three more votes on confidence and supply. Hone will not be pleased.
Apart from the 'continuing constitutional review', whatever that is when it is at home. Another round of endless Maorification coming right up pandering to racist separatists. No mention on binning the race based Maori seats.
Awwwww, bad day for you eh? So much to get really, really angry about. Don't pop a fufu valve old fella. Keep up the shrieking though, it's funny.
The constitutional revue should have been canned.The racist party want to have the TOW ingrained.
Key & co should say no.
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