
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The real entertainment begins

As much as 350 tonnes of oil had escaped the ship this morning after it shifted in big seas overnight and crushed part of the reef it was stuck on

Fears the ship would break up and its 2000 containers fall in to the sea were growing as bad weather continued.

With the stern hanging over deep water, it is only matter of time before those containers are afloat and all that heavy fuel oil is sent to Davy Jone's locker.

Has iPredict got a tab on when the arse end falls off the wreck?

Pull up the armchair, the real entertainment is beginning. Watch Smile and Wave disappear. Will we have a national emergency before lunchtime as those with the high-viz vests go into overdrive?


Andrei said...

Here's a blast from the past.

How a leader answers questions about a maritime disaster without any defensiveness or posturing whatsoever.

Redbaiter said...

.. yep, and don't forget the all white overalls and the safety glasses.

Fucking idiots.

KG said...

Clipboards! Have you no clue whatsoever? How can a disaster be managed without clipboards?
Sheesh...no wonder these things have to be left to the experts......

KG said...

"Maritime New Zealand director Catherine Taylor...."