Thursday, January 31, 2008
One down, how many to go?
I suspect there are a few more, like endorsing Cullen's nightmare for business, KiwiSaver.
Maybe even leaving alone just for this election, with a strong proviso, the holy grail of supporters, getting rid of the divisive Maori seats. Hell, they might just need Tariana's mob to pip her indoors from cobbling together a coalition to get in like she did last time, but once there, mark my words, they will be ditched. It will happen, the sooner the better to stop all flag waving separatism and put paid to the parallel grievance industry.
Hard to swallow, but sometimes these things have to be done.
God help them if they renege on repealing the EFA post haste or implementing the referendum if it meets its' target.
Repent, the dreaded 'R' word is upon us
The banks are now getting in on the act. So what, BTDT in the 70's with 18% second mortgages and 26% personal loans from those thieves. Just didn't get the T-Shirt, couldn't afford it or qualify for a WINZ handout to pay for it. Maybe I was a rick prick in those days too, but Piggy just didn't tell me so.
Not much solace for these blue chip landlords though. They are only too well aware that the dreaded 'R' word has arrived.
Coming to a wallet near you soon. Repent, the 'R' word will indeed change the frivolous and wanton lifestyles of you, the rich pricks.
Liarbour wants to ban Christmas and January
She wants to ban hot hot weather, Christmas and January. 'Nothing but a blip' it seems, what with these violent yoof lashing out all over with knives and the like.
the hot summer and full moon were to blame for the recent "unusual events" that had created mad January in South AucklandObviously has been looking too closely at the moon through that brown haze. Even tried to tar the Plod in the same outburst.
It's well documented within the police - and we've had a long hot summer - and the view is that we often get things happen in this month that we wouldn't have happening in winter
She has the solution though.
Family and economic stresses of the festive season added to the strain.
Over the holiday Christmas period we traditionally have an increase in family violence, people are at home, and there are the stresses and strains of having your relatives staying and financial pressures. They are not easy to address issues unless we ban Christmas and January
No doubt is a hot topic with which purchase your vote sheeple.
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Opportunistic events in deepest South Auckland
Opportunistic events, very timely, I say, what with her indoors delivering her me-too meme to the eco-terrorists and other freeloaders having a brekkie (on the rate payers?) out west today.
After all, all the votes they can get from the area are needed after turfing out their allegedly corrupt employer of imported tilers, who was not only allegedly very good at under the table deals, but also was allegedly reasonably good at purchasing red votes.
Currently lost for inspiration, the Minister has recently taken a very strong interest in the area to show the sheeple that their vote can be indeed bought with comments like
We have taken the issues of this community seriouslyYes, voters, what she really means is thatWhat we can't address is a random event in the middle of the night. There is no way a police officer could have have been standing on that corner at that time."
Were opportunistic events
They happened here [this time] but sometimes they happen in Rotorua and sometimes they happen in Wellington
It's how you address them and the resilience of the community, working with the local authority and government that is important
- We are only interested because we need all the votes we can get.
- Dear Leader is currently running with this topic and it is a good photo-op.
- Random events occur all the time, particularly in all the hotspots.
- We could predict exactly where, Mr Plod already knows all the tinnie houses, but do absolutely nothing about it, except early in election years.
- Keep a stiff upper lip, move along, nothing to see, like you won't see me, any action or Mr Plod for dust tomorrow
EFA Brick II
- A message with a brick attached through the window for a New Year's resolution.
- SHVC protestors all over the building
- A second message, again with a brick attached through the window today to make sure the message has got through.
Somebody is real pissed with the EFA message, but is not holding back, taking every opportunity to pass on their message
the time has come for active civil disobedience and resistance to increasing state control
NRT is getting all upset over the brick accusing the right of [sic]
whiping up hate in its base and pandering to the worst elements of the sewer
How the hell does I/S work out it is the right?
He also asks the question
Shouldn't these dickheads be in court already?
Good call, we could ask the same question about this vicious union leftard thug.
SVHC are what they are - just how many of these eco-terrorist nutters have held intimate conversations with snails, laid on working train tracks and are still on firearms charges?
Guts to say what most might be thinking
Everyone is feeling sorry for the kid and his family, but if the kid was not tagging, he would still be alive
Whilst I will not condone murder, the fact remains that the tagger victim was allegedly undertaking a criminal action, defacing somebody's hard won property and obviously had no respect for that. In the heat of the moment, the arrested man appears to have caught, fought and killed the tagger.
I say well said by the councillor, but now vociferous do-gooders will have their piece, pillorying him with equally inflammatory comments. His comment is not "silly and emotional", as I see current solutions are not working with these criminal property actions occurring everyday. Certainly endlessly wasting ratepayers taxes to "educate problem taggers about street art" is not a viable solution.
Fortunately a person's life is not worth any amount of property.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
On target, game on
Especially to possibly instill a work ethic into bludgers who utter such gems as
“You can’t take away my dole, I don’t want to work and I don’t have to, its a Labour Government”
The speech is a welcoming, positive and refreshing sense of direction, that will unfortunately be attacked line by line by her indoors at tomorrow's round two over at the eco-dinosaur's palace in the west.
At least the opening salvo has been fired, I await the repartee from the attack mongrels Cullen and this years' new bully boy Carter. Both are ever ready to deliver Liarbours' well known brand of negativity and vitriol, whilst they engage in their core business of stealing yet another election.
Game on at last and no, my vote cannot be purchased.
Update: The duty Liarbour attack cur is already into the fray. I thought we had laws against dangerous breeds?
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Smoking gun?
I do not understand the exact math behind correlations, but correlations can apparently be scaled as below
- 1.0 Perfect
- 0.9 Good
- 0.5 Fair
- 0.25 Poor
- 0 or negative - No match
Off Joe went finding these interesting results when looking at various data set trends against the rise in CO2 levelsJoe D’Aleo, an AMS Certified Consulting Meteorologist, one of the founders of The Weather Channel and who operates the website ICECAP took it upon himself to do an analysis of the newly released USHCN2 surface temperature data set and compare it against measured trends of CO2, Pacific Decadal Oscillation, and Solar Irradiance. to see which one matched better.
It’s a simple experiment; compare the trends by running an R2 correlation on the different data sets. The result is a coefficient of determination that tells you how well the trend curves match. When the correlation is 1.0, you have a perfect match between two curves. The lower the number, the lower the trend correlation.
- Ice core sampled CO2 content back to 1880 gave an R2 correlation of 0.44 (less than Fair)
- Solar irradiance gave an R2 correlation of 0.57 (better than Fair)
- PDO (La Nina / El Nino) plus AMO (Atlantic cycle) gave gave an R2 correlation of 0.83(considered Good)
Further intrigued, he looked at the correlation of the UK data set and the satellite data set. Not good with an R2 of 0.01 and 0.02 respectively. End result, the satellite data does not match the rising CO2 trend either.
And his conclusion:
Clearly the US annual temperatures over the last century have correlated far better with cycles in the sun and oceans than carbon dioxide. The correlation with carbon dioxide seems to have vanished or even reversed in the last decade.
Given the recent cooling of the Pacific and Atlantic and rapid decline in solar activity, we might anticipate given these correlations, temperatures to accelerate downwards shortly.
While this isn’t a “smoking gun” it is as close as anything I’ve seen. Time will give us the qualified answer as we have expectations of a lower Solar Cycle 24 and changes in the Pacific now happening. [emphasis mine]
Global Warming as the Noo Religion is plain crap, as I have long suspected.
Time to rug up people, looks like its getting colder.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Nice one, Helen
As if you haven't been in the poor woman's face enough in the last year after your government aided and abetted the murder of her husband.
Do the right thing and make the bill go away. Today!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Doomsday clock ticking
Ever since the launch of Microsoft's Vista, in its many confusing variants, the replacement for XP has struggled to find anyone to seriously endorse it or say anything good about it.
Vista's purported little brother was destined for the scrapheap last year, but XP continues to hold market share, so much that MS extended it's shelf life to June 30 this year.
As the woes continue, InfoWorld has launched a petition, with a ticking doomsday clock to keep the stable XP operating system, while MS looks very, very bad.
My view is that XP is what NT was like in the 90's. It was a radical departure, did the job, after a few iterations and is now very successful. Sure I went to a MS meme on Vista, had the freebie lunch but like many remain unconvinced enough to shell out any more dollars for MS product.
Why fix something with bloatware that really wasn't broken? The recommend from all is to stay with XP as long as possible if it is spinning your wheels. How many ways can you write a letter anyway? The next step for me will be a fully capable Linux machine, ditching MS completely. Just waiting for something to die.
The real problem is that most current hardware that does run XP very well, just will not handle the frightening load increase required by Vista clogging it's arteries. So, not only a mortgage is needed to purchase the MS bloatware, a second mortgage is needed to buy new hardware to see the new desktop.
Meanwhile MS continues it's backslapping.
Full article here
They just don't learn...
Justice Lang said today the affect of the shooting on the hostages, the police and others was significant, but gave Hall a discount on his prison term for his guilty pleas and the mental condition he suffered during the incident
Fancy giving this piece of filth a term discount for his mental state he suffered. What about the state the victims will be in for the rest of their lives?
And, whilst on the matter of not learning. Like in a recently blogged item, it is obvious the Herald Editor is not affected by what his scribes publish.
Vote buying
"National will not load ratepayers up with more red tape and higher stealth taxes. We will cut compliance costs, simplify home building processes and reform the RMA to ensure home affordability becomes a reality for ordinary Kiwis."
Pity such a statement is only vote-garnering rhetoric, which I know would never be fully implemented.
I fully agree with
- No more red tape
- No higher stealth taxes
- Cut compliance costs
- Simplify building processes
- Reform the RMA
We will hold you to those ideals, though. God help you if get the reins, but do not deliver.
The fallout continues
He cites minor health reasons for the early termination of his contract, more like has been pushed with golden handshake.
Certainly would never admit to falling on his sword.
You're joking?
A similar crucifixion would be too good for the perpetrators.
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thieves (Oxygen) in Rotovegas
Why is the crime of theft from a tourist any more of a crime than against a local? Oh, because it hurts our image and we must keep up appearances at all costs.
Without suggesting more stupid local versions of national laws, how about you actually get Mr Plod to do something about the issue? Oh no, problem gone, no income stream. While your at it, have a close look and cull other stupid bylaws that parallel national laws. As it often said, 'follow the money'.
The only sensible idea is to alter the national law to make ALL CRIMES carry a mandatory jail sentence, irrespective of the class of the victim.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Oh, for the want of an editor
A crash near Matamau in the Manawatu is causing lengthy delays to traffic on State Highway Two...
Over the weekend when I last drove through Matamau, it was relatively near the Manawatu River. It may well be in the Manawatu Policing area, but it is actually a village in the Tararua District. The Manawatu District this article apparently refers to is at least 50km away over a mountain range by Fielding.
Get it right, Tararua District is not in the Hawkes Bay, Wairarapa or even the Manawatu districts. Lazy reporting. Grab the email and release without checks or local knowledge?
Need a decent editor?
Another couple lost supposedly in the Wairarapa. Herbertville is on the east coast of Tararua, not Wairarapa.
Hoisted by their own petard?
The site has been a rank source of trolling, with running internal commentary on posts between their own people, long suspected to be Liarbour Staffers. Earlier this week they were outed as most likely being hosted on servers paid for by the taxpayer on close inspection of their IP addresses.
As they were peddling their rose-tinted ideology to the masses, under the EFA starters orders which came into force on New Years' day, they are required to reveal their identities and show the appropriate address.
Their shutdown in the last hour will level the field for right bloggers such as KB and Whaleoil, who have been sorely tried by their relentless drivel.
Well done WhaleOil and others. Could this lead to the first prosecution under the EFA?
Update: 1700
Appears to be back online - may have shifted server to at same IP address of
A cunning stunt
He has been embracing technology, creating and saving a hologram of a speech he has made to Dot earth in Abu Dhabi. Seems he recorded the speech on the box a few weeeks ago, shipped the server out to the desert and spoke from it to the conference as a hologram, also saving many tons of carbon. Couldn't do it live, bandwidth not good enough for the vast amounts of data.
A really cunning stunt.
Another TinselTown related statistic
Tuhoe Ambassador to the Monarchy?
Does not seem overtly friendly to her indoors from Buck House. Could be a terrorist in in the making with such a nice turn of phrase.
HT to whoever said there was such a thread about the royal row over at The Guardian. Unfortunately, I opened the link in a new browser window and cannot remember how I got there by the time I saw the above gem.
Update - found source - KB
This lowlife, who I think is not fit to be called a father, should be given the total search bill and charged. Also was a permit or suchlike required for hunting in a state forest and did he hold such permit? Gun licence?
Get on with it Mr Plod, there is no acceptable alternative.
Islug to go
Since Vodafone took over, the service has gone from half usable to non-existent. Dropouts a lot of the time, slow transfer rates and living as a valued customer in queue a mile or more long to talk to someone from the sub-continent is just not on. One of these days, they may actually wake up to personal service and the fact that when you are having Internet or wireless connection issues, that maybe you cannot surf their website trawling their FAQs.
The alternative of the main player is a path I will never take. Personal preferences can cost dearly and I have a long memory. Vodafone has also, of late, managed to procure itself a position down there with the main player.
Come April, I will be actively looking for a change in my email address and somewhere different to park my small phone bill. If ony I could ditch that piece of copper hired from the usurious main player. That piece of copper costs more than my phone bill.
Any recommendations for an inexpensive rural alternative, readers?
Late rally?
BTW, just how much are your KiwiSaver funds worth at present?
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
Unions playing the man
The unions are going to carry the bully-boy fight to the unwashed by playing the man rather than the message. This is where Trev and others got off last year by being physical in and around the chamber. The low bar has been set, unions will be the attack mongrels, keeping the likes of Trev out of the frame and hopefully out of negative media whilst he is garnering votes.
The survey by employers suggests that personal grievances have increased by more than a quarter, the unions cry poor survey techniques, not arguing why the issues have arisen or how they might be fixed. It seems that a fair few cases do not get to the ERA, only high profile ones, employers choosing to settle the weaker ones out of mediation. So the DOL figures of ERA cases, the unions use to show a very low / steady state problem, do not reflect the true status.
Employers know what they spend money on and perception is everything. I suggest that the law is such a convoluted process, it is hard for employers to get it right and employees are more willing to try it on.
Trial of former PM begins
Seems extortion was the choice of of this ex-PM, not outright slipperiness as our teflon coated incumbent exhibits.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Mr Plod to admit defeat
I hardly think a paltry public offering above the large privately offered sums will turn a crims head.
We have seen the last of these medals.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
New Zealanders need something to remember Sir Ed by
large dysfunctional egos, in search of a media identity
We have already seen her indoors morbid style again by turning up with a media circus in tow. Jim 'Me too' Anderton feels left out and is raising his profile, maybe speaking sense on these matters. Tree Huggers Inc, ever looking out for a partner to put over a coalition barrel later in the year, is trying to get their party immortalised in the electorate's mind by being associated with the call for an aptly named landform or public holiday. Winston First has been strangely quiet - is the Himalayan Trust about to get a $158K donation?
Even the clergy is getting in on the act with various padres making platitudes about how nice it is to be handpicked for such an occasion. Get on with your job of god bothering and arranging the send off, you are not trying to buy re-election.
It is absolutely sickening to watch this parade of sychophants looking for the spotlight. It will interesting to see how many true family/friends vs politicos needing to be in the media turn up as invited guests at the church. There is one constant in all of this, I know politicians do nothing without considering the potential for political capital gain.
This funeral is about Sir Edmund Hillary and family, not any other person, politician or party looking for a media identity.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Sir Edmund Hillary 1919-2008

'I continued cutting a line of steps upwards'
'We knocked the bastard off'
'In some ways I believe I epitomise the average New Zealander. I have modest abilities, I combine these with a good deal of determination and I rather like to succeed'
Fitting memories of the ever humble beekeeper from Tuakau, but great man who never stopped moving upward throughout his life, always determined to get to the goal in sight.
A truly remarkable New Zealander, you will always remain a strong inspiration.
Forever the legend Sir Edmund Hillary.
RIP, my sincerest condolences to your family.
Tainted money
I say to any charity who touches this tainted money, just watch the public pressure that will be applied and watch all your alternative public funding sources dry up. Hope you have a good budget without funding.
Also, now we are in 'election year' under the EFA, does any political statement 'donation' of this magnitude come off Winnie's total? If so, well done Winnie, nice of you to buy a charity while trying to get re-elected. Pay the money back to Parliamentary Services where you stole it from.
Also, has Mr Fence Sitter paid the amount he stole back yet?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
A responsible parent
Subsequent to recently finding booze, mum has placed an ad.
OLDS 1999 Intrigue. Totally uncool parents who obviously don't love teenage son, selling his car. Only driven for three weeks before snoopy mom who needs to get a life found booze under front seat. $3,700/offer. Call meanest mom on the planet.
The only negative comment about the meanest mum has been from her son
"very, very unhappy" with the ad and claims the alcohol was left by a passenger
Good on ya 'meanest mum'!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Rates to drop 17.5%
They work in a cost plus mode, ie should costs rise, they will stiff you in subsequent tax rounds for that amount, plus large contingencies and as always, add GST as a double taxation.
Seems their financial witches peering into the crystal ball overshot the mark last year for they they banked $34M too much of our dosh. First time in history.
Give us a 17.5% discount this year you cry. Not bloody likely, Mr Banks says, now you can stump up $20M to that private monument to Trev in Helen's backyard.
Like hell, I say. You can stick your proposed 5% rise, I look forward to my wallet being raped less this year. (Maybe even being stuffed to the brim in an effort to purchase my vote) Look, a flock of pigs...
Immigrants want State to provide ID
The ANZ turned the credit check down and all hell broke loose. Problem has now been sorted, but the would be director is making loud noises about having unique id's for each and every one, in line with common practice by Euro states.
We already have that - only the IRD Constabulary would dearly love to be able to tattoo the number on your forehead the day you are born. I feel sure that the Nanny Stasi has this well advanced, able to employ more bureaucrats to manage a national database, citing post 9/11 security needs. It's for your own good you know. They need to be able to identify you anywhere and anytime.
Yeah right, get back under your rock.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Time for a name change?
The isles upon which we reside in early days were never apparently known as one country, but as individually named parts.
Somewhere in between we were told by romanticists that the official pre-colonisation name was supposedly the Land of the long white cloud, or more commonly, Aotearoa. This, as discussed here, is a mere fiction, long overdue for removal from our lexicon.
Now that could upset some, romanticists and radicals have long used the name to define a point of difference. True romanticists are few and far between these days, so every time I see the word used, I know what is coming next - some supposedly hard done by needing a larger cut of my tax dollar has his hand out.
Like my passport says, this country has a name, it is New Zealand, nothing else.
About as much as this emission of hot air. WTF is she doing in London anyway? Continuing to enlarge her carbon footprint hiding from the real world on her summer hols in the wintry depths of a Nordic country as usual. A fine example of sustainability, nice to see she supports Kiwi made, spending our taxpayer dollars on holidays in countries other than NZ.
Like the machinery, she is fast approaching the end of runway...
Saturday, January 05, 2008
About to start the next Microsoft?
Just to be sure, you could do well to run your yardstick over some fundamentals from someone who has reportedly done it a few times before.
This man has a big fan in DPF, who actually has shares in his recently started company, but in the world of real business, name dropping gets you nowhere.
Researchers find Q gene
Funny that, every time I have ever got the beer goggles on, all 20 pinter females looked good on a scale of 1 to 10. Never once, that I can remember, did any males look any better, just pissed.
Must mean that I do not have that dreaded Q gene. It may be legal, but at least it isn't compulsory. Yet!
In the top 100!
Whoopee - will have to try harder. Nice effort Tim.
HT WhaleOil
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Welcome to the Year of the Rat
Seen this very day in a field of cows near me. Inspired by this.

Like the turd and the brick, the EFA cannot be polished.
The game is now on.