
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Whale would get my vote

I am stand­ing to keep the politi­cians hon­est, and sober. I believe in open, trans­par­ent pol­i­tics, and will stand on a plat­form of com­plete open­ness for all coun­cil deci­sions.

I have waged a vig­or­ous cam­paign against trough­ing politi­cians, and you can all expect me to post all details of my coun­cil spend­ing online. I will not spend coun­cil money on alcohol.

At last, a candidate that could be trusted to stick by his stated principles, going up against his nemesis, the incumbent, reportedly the resident North Shore drunk.
A staunch fis­cal con­ser­v­a­tive, Mr Slater is stand­ing for con­trol of rates rises, and pro­vi­sion of high qual­ity core coun­cil ser­vices. He will vote against spend­ing in other areas, includ­ing Brian Rudman’s The­atre, which is def­i­nitely not a core coun­cil service.

Hear, hear. Theatre is not a core service, but a cause for the philanthropic amongst us with deep pockets.

The cam­paign trail is likely to be robust, and I am look­ing for­ward to can­di­date debates where records of all can­di­dates will be thor­oughly scrutinised.

I hope he gets in, a ratepayers we will be able to see live blogging from the trough. Unfortunately, I'll have to vote for some non-Labour, non-greenie, non-female Westie.

Take the fight to them, Whale.

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