The Internet Bill Of Rights
We the people, in Order to form a more Perfect Social Network, establish Blogs, insure Wireless Connections, provide for the common User, promote Goatse, and secure the Blessings of Online Anonymity to ourselves and to Google, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United Domains of the Internet.
The right to download
The right to download, like, SHITLOADS
The right to tell d00ds to STFU, and tell n00bs to RTFM
The right to assume no identity, or adopt a false one, yet still demand to be treated with integrity
The right to incite, inflame and insult others without fear of repercussion or social responsibility
The right to hate on idiots, and for idiots to hate on us back, like whatever
The right to take content without offering remuneration, and to argue the toss on the difference between downloads and theft as if it were some sort of existentialist conundrum or valiant political activism
The right to assume other people’s mothers are whores
The right to call every woman who isn’t a “perfect 10” a pig or a lezza who you wouldn’t sleep with, even though you’re a fat balding man in his late 40s
The right to stick captions on cats
The right to type LOL, even though nothing amusing has been written
The right to say to someone “your an idiot”, and fail to recognise the irony
The right to argue without clarity, knowledge, reason or respect, including the abstract construction of straw man arguments and ad hominem attacks
The right to call any argument you don’t fully understand an abstract construction of straw man arguments or ad hominem attack, whatever that means
The right to Photoshop and call it expression and not deception
The right to claim expert knowledge on foreign cultures just because you downloaded Google Earth
The right to be proven wrong and continue to argue the exact same point but in UPPER CAPS
The right to be a dick
The right to say “I’m not racist, but”, and then say something completely racist
The right to be offered an unsurpassed wealth of free content and services from the private sector, yet erupt with self-righteous indignation when said content and services are threatened to be taken from us
The right to be an expert on any topic, whether expertise exists or not
The right to fill the infinite void with banal musings about your cat/dog/kids
The right to take everything at face value, read only headlines, and call it “truth”
The right to Rickroll
from here.
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