The Deplorable Ethics of a Preemptive Pardon
55 minutes ago
It’s not rates which are inadequate
It’s the way they are being spent and the lack of respect of residents’ money
There’s 150 years of local government history in Auckland funded on the back of rates and one Mayor in one term has labelled this revenue stream as completely inadequate
"What has happened in the last three years that has meant that rates are so inadequate to cover Council activity costs? The answer is Len Brown.
Negative third-party campaigning in the Hawke's Bay Regional Council elections looks set to begin, with candidates looking over their shoulder wondering who has hired political strategist Simon Lusk
He was working with "quite a large number of people to run a campaign for change", due to start next week. "There is a significant amount of money for this campaign and a significant number of people that are pissed off with the Regional Council that are supporting me
A negative third-party campaign is when somebody who is not standing for election runs a campaign to discredit candidates
'I thought it was quite sinister. I've never heard of it in little old Hawke's Bay. I don't know who they are targeting.
It took the council staff unawares too - it was pretty obvious they had never been asked that question before
From the policy paper:
This National Government has been a disappointment to fiscal conservatives. The
wet wing of the National Party control the senior ranks of the party, and cannot be
easily replaced without losing an election.
After National loses an election there will be a clean out. It is essential we have fiscal
conservatives who are willing to make serious changes to control the culture of the
This is part of a long term plan to move the political centre to the right. This means
reducing the size of government, weakening the power of those who believe in big
government, and investing for at least 20 years to ensure that these changes are
There was an admission today from Maryan Street - she was ready to act, if David Shearer didn't
Tauranga could handle 100 per cent of the container growth Auckland is planning for, plus its own growth in the foreseeable future
Reclamation is a no-brainer from so many points of view, particularly when the options on offer from Port of Tauranga and Marsden Pt are analysed
The Mt Wellington Warriors league club made a stand against pokie money
All those problems are associated with gambling and drinking. I didn't want to be a part of the problem
The club faced a stark reality - take the trust money or go bust
Bar takings are way down, sponsorship is non-existent, and parents still won't fork out any money for playing fees
The way he sees it, the money is effectively coming from the parents anyway
periodic detention workers provide labour at the club. "I have to be there every Saturday and Sunday to manage them, but that is the only way the club gets painted and cleaned, people doing their community service."
Detractors of Grant Robertson have started the talk about gay this and gay that…frankly it is demeaning.
Right let’s deal with this gay non-issue
The frustrating thing is it's not mistakes we're making here that is costing us, it is mistakes that were made months and months ago
It would be nice to win a start, the reality is whether we start to leeward or start to windward, they still pass us on the reach
Air New Zealand will axe 180 engineering jobs when it closes a maintenance facility in Auckland, according to the Engineering, Printing and Manufacturing Union
the airline's inability to attract replacement work due to the high New Zealand dollar, the union said
61:59 GCSB bill passed
Democracy at work, looking after our security. In the immortal words of a previous thief at the New Zealand's helm, "We won, you lost, eat that!"
Bradley Manning: Unsure of his gender identity, commits treason, releases massive data breach as Wikileaks into public realm, endangering troops and country. Gets 35 years overnight. Too long in my view, should have swung for it.
Edward Snowden: Releases details of various top secret security programs, compomising several countries and runs for cover, threatening more treasonous releases, including "very sensitive, detailed blueprints of how the NSA does what they do".
but we never got close to pitch-polling [when the boat capsizes stern over bow]
Mauri Ora: A unique home based programme for anyone wanting to understand Maori culture and learn more about Aotearoa New Zealand history.
knowledge of Aotearoa New Zealand history including the Treaty of Waitangi , the Declaration of Independence and colonisation.
Campbell was jaded. He's worn the GCSB issue on his heart (and sleeve) for countless episodes in his eponymous show, and yet, in the one that mattered, he failed to cut through.
Banging on about Key failing to accept his invitation to appear on the show is of little consequence to most New Zealanders.
All they hear is woe-is-me whining.
"we will lose control"
The Conservative Party is entering the local body elections with a team of 22 candidates standing in Auckland
Sixty-four Dunedin manufacturing workers will have their working week reduced by a day, following KiwiRail's decision to award a manufacturing tender offshore
"I am appalled . . . it is just not right."
We, Tariana Turia, Tribune of the People, duly and legally elected by a small proportion of a small proportion of those same people, do hereby pronounce and proclaim, we are appalled.
And with the power vested in us as Associate Minister of Health for the realm of Aotearoa New Zealand, a position attained through political expedience rather than by any perception of merit, we shall act.
Our subjects may recall that in the Year of our Lord 2011 we issued the "Wag That Finger and Say Tut-tut" edict, the purpose of which was to shame and vilify smokers, thereby propelling one in five of the adult population of the realm, more people indeed than voted for the Labour Party at the last election, out of the moral mainstream and on to the distant shoals of ostracism where they belong. And we are pleased to report that the campaign has proved popular with those who know what's good for others. Citizens, we commend you.
strong presence of Labour Party members at the launch, including Mayor Len Brown and Labour leader David Shearer
working with Labour and the Greens and independents to advance polices such as better choice of public transport and retaining community-owned assets
Taking part in patrolling gives each volunteer dad the opportunity to gain a personal connection to Kaitaia, but more importantly makes the Kaitaia CBD a safer place
really great to see though was dads in high-viz jackets walking the streets, one of the mums saying just seeing them made her feel safer
Green Party co-leader Russel Norman said the fact parents were resorting to lay-bys for children's parties was a sign of growing financial hardship.
"It is an example of poverty in New Zealand when families can't even afford to pay for treats for their kids' birthdays"
party had nearly 1,000 members and was applying for registration
now in the process of replicating that in other areas ... it will grow rapidly
policies include abolishing the Treaty of Waitangi, ending "co-governance agreements", and axing race-based seats and posts in central and local government
X-Keyscore part of "NSA's lawful foreign signals intelligence collection system"
Primary Industries Minister Nathan Guy has signalled he will dump a plan to exempt firms holding Maori fishing quota from a law change