Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Scratching the itch
Margaret Wilson
Steve Maharey
Paul Swain
Clem Simich
Selfless individuals poking a stick in your eye as a parting gesture.
Mark Prebble
Brian Corban
Others who have been 'rewarded' for their jobs. As is normal practice for these lists, I am sure there are many more detracting from those truly involved in community and country.
One can only be thankful that the list of back scratchers does not yet contain Clark or Cullen.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
All at sea
A couple of adults and teenagers in a possibly $60K runabout could not afford a compass or alternatively a GPS unit. And did not take note of long forecast dire weather.
Bet the cellphone used to send the near useless texts cost more than one of those units.
The rescue highlighted the importance of boaties carrying reliable communications equipment, such as marine VHF radios, emergency beacons and flares.
And as for the Air Farce Orion crew, I bet they won't be winning the Fincastle Trophy anytime soon.
What an absolute waste of resource. A self induced disaster waiting for a time and place.
These pricks should be billed for the full cost. Confiscating and selling the boat might be a start to recouping costs. What's the going hourly rate for an Orion?
Oswald suggests a similar outcome.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Cunliffe: Still trying to run the show
there should be a mini-Budget in the new year and Labour was prepared to take a bipartisan approach to work on it
Would that be in the same vein of bipartisanship that was previously offered by Liarbour on matters economic?
Maybe Cunners should note that his side is no longer 'running the show'.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
New Year 2009: Three, two, one, one
WHEN Big Ben strikes midnight on New Year's Eve, revellers in Trafalgar Square will notice nothing unusual. Keen-eared listeners to the speaking clock, however, will hear an extra pip - the sign of a rare "leap second".
The last minute of 2008 will have 61 seconds to correct a slight anomaly between atomic clocks and astronomical time based on the Earth's rotation, so that the proper new year's countdown will end: "three, two, one, one."
A piece of useless info for those of you partying up large to welcome in Liarbour's Decade of Deficits.
Two faces of China
Seems that if you support the 'other' China, Taiwan as an independent state, mention the Falun Gong occasionally and look to meet the Dalai Lama on equal footing as other heads of state, you will too be censored.
I look forward to the sudden rise in traffic, having mentioned all three bad words in this post. Blog was probably buggered anyway for the free Tibet stand I took through the recent waste of money that was the Olympics.
Nice to see our new PM willing to openly talk to the Dalai Lama on his forthcoming visit. And Orklund City Council tossers, what damage could a band do to a Christmas Parade?
Monday, December 15, 2008
Terrorists in our midst
Police should only be investigating groups that present "a real or credible risk to the safety and security of communities"Does the description not aptly fit the would be train wreckers and chook liberating nutjob activists and terrorists that infest such groups?
I think so.
since I got vaguely competent at writing posts
Delusional meme from the Liarbour mouthpiece on the matter.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Hire-at-will bill passed
Any of the following will summarise.
- Diddums!
- Guess who's running the show?
- Take that, you lost!
- Liarbour fiddles while the economy burns.
Compulsory Maori flip-flop on the Liarbour agenda
called for Maori to be a compulsory language for all pupils till the age of 14. "This is one small step we could take to build a more harmonious society."
Such a socially engineered 'harmonious society' might exist somewhere in the mind of his speech-writer.
The new MP would do well to note that he lives in a once first-world English speaking country, not some third-world backwater some affectionately know as the Land of the Long White Cloud.
Education Minister Trevor Mallard will not adopt an NZEI remit to make Maori language compulsory in schools.
"While I support the ideal of Maori language being available to all school children, I do not support compulsory Maori language in schools.
And also to note that his bully boy cohort, a Minister of Education in days of yore, long ago stated his opposition.
We are still a long way off a system where we are providing quality resources, and quality teachers where there is a high demand.
Ain't that the truth. After the debacles of NCEA, this is just another flip-flop on Liarbour's part.
Dingos chasing their own s59
Smacking of children by parents is currently legal under the common law, as long as reasonable force is used and the sole intention is to correct behaviour.
As it was in NZ and should still be. Haven't they heard of the upcoming referendum on that matter and the fact that 85% were dead set against that change?
This time it is one of their academics pushing for change. Again suggesting Mr Plod should be the arbitrator with a wishy-washy law.
I would expect that police will not take action unless there is not real harm done
Now remind me how many kids are on the wall of shame since that loony law was passed.
I expect Oz parents will tell Krudd where to smack this suggestion.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
New tax rates
Annual taxable income | Cumulative weekly savings | TOTAL ANNUAL SAVINGS FROM 1 APRIL 2011 | |||||||
1-Apr-09 | 1-Apr-10 | 1-Apr-11 | |||||||
| Tax cut | with IETC | Tax cut | with IETC | Tax cut | with IETC | Tax cut | with IETC | |
$ 15,000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.19 | 0.19 | 10 |
| |
$ 20,000 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 1.15 | 1.15 | 60 |
| |
$ 25,000 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 | 2.12 | 17.12 | 110 | 890 | |
$ 30,000 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 | 3.08 | 18.08 | 160 | 940 | |
$ 35,000 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 | 4.04 | 19.04 | 210 | 990 | |
$ 40,000 | 0.00 | 10.00 | 0.00 | 15.00 | 5.00 | 20.00 | 260 | 1040 | |
$ 45,000 | 11.54 | 19.04 | 11.54 | 24.04 | 17.50 | 30.00 | 910 | 1560 | |
$ 50,000 | 18.46 | 18.46 | 23.08 | 23.08 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 1560 |
| |
$ 55,000 | 18.46 | 18.46 | 23.08 | 23.08 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 1560 |
| |
$ 60,000 | 18.46 | 18.46 | 23.08 | 23.08 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 1560 |
| |
$ 65,000 | 18.46 | 18.46 | 23.08 | 23.08 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 1560 |
| |
$ 70,000 | 18.46 | 18.46 | 23.08 | 23.08 | 30.00 | 30.00 | 1560 |
| |
$ 75,000 | 19.42 | 19.42 | 25.00 | 25.00 | 31.92 | 31.92 | 1660 |
| |
$ 80,000 | 20.38 | 20.38 | 26.92 | 26.92 | 33.85 | 33.85 | 1760 |
| |
$ 85,000 | 21.35 | 21.35 | 28.85 | 28.85 | 35.77 | 35.77 | 1860 |
| |
$ 90,000 | 22.31 | 22.31 | 30.77 | 30.77 | 37.69 | 37.69 | 1960 |
| |
$ 95,000 | 23.27 | 23.27 | 32.69 | 32.69 | 39.62 | 39.62 | 2060 |
| |
$ 100,000 | 24.23 | 24.23 | 34.62 | 34.62 | 41.54 | 41.54 | 2160 |
| |
"It took nine years before Labour relented to cut personal taxes at their last opportunity. It has taken the National-led government a week," Mr English said.
from The Beehive
Getting on with business
KiwiSlaver changes - passed.
Tax changes - passed.
Hercepton a happening thing.
Great stuff. A cracking pace. Getting on with business in hand. Action by the hour.
This rubbish from the Opposition about low income people being attacked...if they're hard up it's because Labour ignored them for years
Where is the opposition? Do we have one? The filibustering rabble over the last couple of days is piss weak.
And judging by the positive directions exuding from the Beehive in all directions from those with the reins, these unionised bludgers might do well to take any current offer. For if they hang out too long, the offer fairy might just pack up. After all, unions are now not in a position of strength with head prefect fearless Phil in opposition.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Lax border security due to computers
These challenges come at a time when our immigration ICT systems are at risk of failure and do not appropriately support decision making or manage risk or security issues.
Customs is looking for a computer upgrade. I wonder how much that will cost? Another INCIS coming to rape my wallet? Another unfunded bear-trap for the new government?
Apparently currently Customs can't do simple Google searches to look up known terrorists. So that's how the Algerian got in!
A "matter of urgency"...

Economic meltdown?
All three of us are in agreement that the time for delay is over, the time for denial is over...With these two in cahoots, heading up the posse, the world economies are beyond stuffed.
This is a matter of urgency and of national security and it has to be dealt with in a serious way.
New global economy terms
What do you say to a merchant banker who knocks on your door?
How much do I owe you for the pizzaBULL MARKET—A random market movement causing an investor to mistake himself for a financial genius.
BEAR MARKET—A 6 to 18 month period when the kids get no allowance, the wife gets no jewelry, and the husband gets no sex.
VALUE INVESTING—The art of buying low and selling lower.
P/E RATIO—The percentage of investors wetting their pants as the market keeps crashing.
BROKER—What my broker has made me.
STANDARD & POOR—Your life in a nutshell.
STOCK ANALYST—Idiot who just downgraded your stock.
STOCK SPLIT—When your ex-wife and her lawyer split your assets equally between themselves.
FINANCIAL PLANNER—A guy whose phone has been disconnected.
MARKET CORRECTION—The day after you buy stocks.
CASH FLOW-- The movement your money makes as it disappears down the toilet.
YAHOO—What you yell after selling it to some poor sucker for $240 per share.
WINDOWS—What you jump out of when you’re the sucker who bought Yahoo @ $240 per share.
INSTITUTIONAL INVESTOR—Past year investor who’s now locked up in a nuthouse.
PROFIT—An archaic word no longer in use.
What’s the definition of optimism?
An Investment Banker ironing five shirts on a Sunday evening.What is the difference between a pigeon and a merchant banker?
A pigeon can still put a deposit on a Ferrari.What can you buy on eBay for $1.
An Icelandic bank but they’ll get you on the shipping costs.
Have a fun day.
True cost of KiwiSlaver exposed
No $40 subsidy for member fees. The true cost to members is yet to be fully exposed when the honeymoon period ends and failing funds need to cover their actual expenses.
No tax credit to employers. Employers will now wear the full cost of providing that compulsory super. Doesn't look so good being a tax collection agent, does it?
No tax credit to members. Again, the odds for a great return are somewhat diminished.
Aah, it is so good to see the investment playing field levelled. Not quite far enough though.
The thing that still gets up my nose is why employers have to fund this super over and above the member's current gross. If I want to join a private super fund, why should I expect my employer to increase my gross pay? There should be no difference for those in KiwiSlaver.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
The page at says:
The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at
Every time I go to lurk at WOBH I get this info dialog box. Why? has been happening for about 2x months in Firefox.
'only had a piece of cake'
It is never only just a piece of cake is it? And a damned expensive piece of cake wasn't it? $35K to get 15 tickets to a do which a council should not be supporting. No probs you say. It isn't your money that you are wastefully expending. it was a commercial venture that should have stood on its own two feet.
Why were the 6,500 children not charged say $6 each to cover this expense? Then we would have really seen how many were interested in bending it Beckham.
The sooner Rodders gets his teeth into Orklund councils and their rampant budgets the better for all ratepayers. This type of spending and contra back scratching is exactly why he is needed.
'Arrogant and undemocratic'
Neat, eh, when you are on the receiving end. Long overdue, the 90 day probation law.
Go for the throat John Boy and show them who's now boss. Helen's puppet caretaker across the benches will only be there a short time.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Dirty little secret in the 'burbs
By day, Tony and Anne Walker's home is just another respectable brick home.
By night, the lounge/dining and outdoor entertaining areas are turned into dungeons, gallows and pillories. Women are whipped. Men are dominated. Fantasies come alive.
For years the Club Hardcore Haven house parties have been South Turramurra's "dirty little secret", where hosts Tony and Anne "Angel" administer "pain and pleasure in equal measure".
Some local prude obviously not on the regular invite list has complained to the local council.
Might I suggest PSB would be at home in Chisholm Street should he ever cross the ditch for the hols.
Driving a stake through mediocritry
And then attempt to drive a pile through it???
What's the betting no-one is responsible. It is probably only the local council performing at world class best.
Bob's Whau Portal for Westies
Waitakere City Council will investigate developing a Chinatown precinct for New Lynn which could include erecting large ornamental gates.
Waitakere Mayor Bob Harvey outlined to councillors in October a proposal to redevelop part of Totara Ave as a precinct reflective of traditional and modern China.
One wonders why this travesty was mooted in October, but only reported in December. Didn't want any more bad news for his Liarbour mates around election time?
None less than portal gates at great expense for New Lynn. Seems the feral locals might need locking in at night.
Maybe it is for those who would pass through the gates as they cross the Whau creek eastwards into the Shangri-La that is Greater JafaLand. Yes, Bob has an ultimate vision to keep all Westies local to work, play and live out west and never integrate with the rest of Orklund.
Mark my words, his Whau Portal is just the start.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Climate change defined
science, n. the rigorous method or industry of gaining knowledge or funding.
A new entry for The Devil's Dictionary...
Back on deck: McAfee Antivirus crap
No issues like this on older XP laptop with AVG on it. In the last week, MySQL has become almost unusable and after chasing down the errors on Google, I found that McAfee is the cause. Seems the 'Real Time Protection' is far too aggressive and causes all sorts of time outs. Must have had a recent auto update that changed aggressive to feral.
Have dropped McAfee back to 'Programs only' protection and what a difference! Webpages load far quicker and positively instead of hanging and timing out. MySQl is usable again. Also have dropped auto update - now do it manually when I go to make a coffee, not every time the bloody machine connects to the Net.
Now hopefully this has cured the Internet slowness of late and I can now blog more frequently. I wonder will my PCMCIA Vodafone adapter might now stay online for more usable periods in the wireless world on non-3G GPRS?
Will be watching closely and trying different things. McAfee is currently rated as crap by me and changing to AVG looks like soon to happen here.
Friday, November 28, 2008
AIR NZ Tragedy in Mediterranean
In a past life, having talked at length with ex-workmates who were present during the initial search and location efforts on Erebus all those years ago, this tragedy brings those memories flooding back.
My thoughts today are for the families affected.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Inspectors and building consents
Her story reminds me of my own recent brush with the council.
I have had a solar collector added to the recently replaced hot water cylinder. When we fixed the knackered cylinder a year or so ago, we opted for a solar capable type in stainless. Bloody expensive. But with solar, now a great Power saver, saving near on $40/month. Cost of council inspection fee in building consent about 10% of collector job. Not cheap.
Installing firm eventually signed off on job. Head building inspector council wallah duly turns up a month later to sign off the paper work.
Never met him before, looks like he has just been prised away from his expense account at the bar of his local. I suspect doing council 'rounds' to get a bit of obviously much needed exercise on a nice sunny morning. Drive in the country more like it.
Anyway, turns up, exchanges pleasantries and eyeballs the collector on the pitched roof from the front path. No getting on roof to look closely. No list of items to check off. Then asks to see plumbing around tank.
No problems I say, offered to get the step ladder from garage, thinking this will be fun watching 18 stone squeeze through the manhole into the ceiling. The new tank barely went up that hole. But once up there, you can easily walk around and is well lit.
'No way, Jose' he says. 'All OK, bye'! Not bad, less than 2 minutes on site never even got onto the front porch.
I thought well that's that, but also thought that the leaky home saga might have forced council inspectorates to tighten up inspection regimes and that they would now be doing inspections to a full check list.
Obviously not in this council.
Hell has frozen over
The following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term.
The answer by one student was so 'profound' that the professor shared it with colleagues, via the Internet, which is, of course, why we now have the pleasure of enjoying it as well :
Bonus Question: Is Hell exothermic (gives off heat) or endothermic (absorbs heat)?
Most of the students wrote proofs of their beliefs using Boyle's Law (gas cools when it expands and heats when it is compressed) or some variant.
One student, however, wrote the following:
First, we need to know how the mass of Hell is changing in time. So we need to know the rate at which souls are moving into Hell and the rate at which they are leaving. I think that we can safely assume that once a soul gets to Hell, it will not leave. Therefore, no souls are leaving. As for how many souls are entering Hell, let's look at the different religions that exist in the world today.
Most of these religions state that if you are not a member of their religion, you will go to Hell. Since there is more than one of these religions and since people do not belong to more than one religion, we can project that all souls go to Hell. With birth and death rates as they are, we can expect the number of souls in Hell to increase exponentially. Now, we look at the rate of change of the volume in Hell because Boyle's Law states that in order for the temperature and pressure in Hell to stay the same, the volume of Hell has to expand proportionately as souls are added.
This gives two possibilities:
1. If Hell is expanding at a slower rate than the rate at which souls enter Hell, then the temperature and pressure in Hell will increase until all Hell breaks loose.
2. If Hell is expanding at a rate faster than the increase of souls in Hell, then the temperature and pressure will drop until Hell freezes over.
So which is it?
If we accept the postulate given to me by Teresa during my Freshman year that, 'It will be a cold day in Hell before I sleep with you,' and take into account the fact that I slept with her last night, then number two must be true, and thus I am sure that Hell is exothermic and has already frozen over. The corollary of this theory is that since Hell has frozen over, it follows that it is not accepting any more souls and is therefore, extinct......leaving only Heaven, thereby proving the existence of a divine being which explains why, last night, Teresa kept shouting 'Oh my God.'
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Man of action on his way home
President of USA, GW Bush.
No doubt noticed by head honchos of places like China, Japan, Germany, Singapore and other big economy countries.
HM The Queen.
HRH Prince Phillip.
AU PM, K Rudd.
Current UK PM, Gordon Brown.
Next UK PM, David Cameron.
Winners overseas, All Blacks.
Mayor of London, Boris Johnston.
Not bad for the first week for our new action man! Now on his way home to get down to the task in hand.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Updated: White Ribbons
Seems there are more than a few males out in the blogosphere who may have never experienced domestic abuse and violence. No, I will not link to them, but for those lucky enough to never had such experiences, rubbishing the ribbon campaign does not help.
The campaign reminded me of my childhood experiences and I have commented on such over at Roarprawn. BB has experienced abuse much more recently and writes with feeling on the subject. Well done BB, we need more of this out in the open.
Those of you lucky to have never been in the situation, don't knock it.
Solid Energy doing the right thing
Solid Energy wanted to show that drug and alcohol impairment at work was unacceptable.
We believe this programme of testing is a very effective way of reinforcing that message.
Stockton has the worst health and safety record inside Solid Energy. Probably the Wild West on the Coast.
Anyone with a positive reading, confirmed by a laboratory test, would be supported through a rehabilitation programme as appropriate and in line with Solid Energy's drug and alcohol policy
Since the EPMU is onside with such matters, I issue a challenge for all unions to advise their members that drugs and alcohol in the workplace will not be tolerated. Maybe independent random testing is a service that unions could sell to employers country-wide whilst keeping in close contact with potential memebership.
Eradication of such impairment in the workplace throughout NZ would lift productivity no end. And the perception that unions exist to serve their red political master maybe lessened somewhat long term.
Words fail me...
Elderly man died, woman injured in crash
Teens stood and watched rescue
Sat down and got takeaway, says witness
They just stood there, and then they sat down and then someone dropped Maccas off to them.
Teens caring for fellow humanity.
The Granny Test
We apply what we call the Granny test:
Would you be happy for your family member to receive this standard of care, and if not, what do we need to do differently?
Hospitals looking to cut (they say slash) waiting times in A&E to 6 hours max. I know the answer to that question.
What other service industry do you know that your customer would hang around awaiting your attention to their business for six bloody hours?
How about an immediate response for Granny?
Rebound meets goose on flushing
Northland Regional Council requires dairy farmers to provide for stormwater diversion and sufficient storage to ensure there are no discharges during wet periods," operations director Bill Guest said.
We are of the opinion that rules relating to management of waste or effluent must be consistent across sectors
Too right. This is what happens when the rabid tree huggers that infest councils keep plugging dirty dairy. These things have a habit of coming back to kiss you goodbye when you flush.
A timely reminder for local government bureaucrats to concentrate on core business, such as decent infrastructure for sewage disposal.
What's good for the goose...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Scandal, Sex and Food
The News of The World newspaper claims the chef, famous for his foul mouthed outbursts, has been having an illicit affair with 'professional mistress' Sarah Symonds for the past seven years.
Seems Gordon may have been creating more than hot language and culinary delights in the kitchen.
Where's there's smoke...
Updated: Haka past it's seen by date?
The haka has become tiresomely irksome; an occasional and once diverting wheeze has long passed its sell-by date. Both rugby codes have been subjected this month to a tedious basinful of this now charmless eye-rolling, tongue-squirming dance.
I certainly would agree with that. Feel absolutely sick every time I see it, thinking here we go again, another NZ team prostituting themselves. I have never been enthused by the war dance, if you could call it that. I cringe every time I see it being performed, both on and off the field.
Seems others feel the same.
The 2005 British Lions Test captaincy of Brian O'Driscoll lasted just 40 seconds before, appallingly, he was spear-tackled straight to hospital after apparently "disrespecting" the stupid stomp, the dreaded Kiwi caper.
Maybe still smarting?
Original above: 21/11
Updated: 24/11
It's only graceless and charmless [to them] because they haven't got a culture like we've got
Tossing his balls, Buck Shelford puts in his tuppence worth above.
That is Maori culture and that's the way it is.
Would that be the same culture in play?
Update: Sense of entitlement never stops
taken 16 years of Aki's life ...
To be offering $1000 for 16 years of service is absolutely disgusting
Were these employees not paid during those 16 years?
The sense of entitlement of union members never ceases to amaze.
And Deputy-Mayor, one can only hope that the perverse sense of entitlement so enjoyed by local government is soon to abruptly end.
WOBH does a detailed fisk
Friday, November 21, 2008
Twisted meanings
The Washington Post has published the winning submissions to its yearly contest, in which readers are asked to supply alternative meanings for common words. The winners are:
1. Coffee (N.), the person upon whom one coughs.
2. Flabbergasted (adj.), appalled over how much weight you have gained.
3. Abdicate (V.), to give up all hope of ever having a flat stomach.
4. Esplanade (V.), to attempt an explanation while drunk.
5. Willy-nilly (Adj.), impotent.
6. Negligent (Adj.), describes a condition in which you absentmindedly answer the door in your nightgown.
7. Lymph (V.), to walk with a lisp.
8. Gargoyle (N.), olive-flavoured mouthwash.
9. Flatulence (N.) emergency vehicle that picks you up after you are run over by a steamroller.
10. Balderdash (N.), a rapidly receding hairline.
11. Testicle (N.), a humorous question on an exam.
12. Rectitude (N.), the formal, dignified bearing adopted by proctologists.
13. Pokemon (N), a Rastafarian proctologist.
14. Oyster (N.), a person who sprinkles his conversation with Yiddishisms.
15. Frisbeetarianism (N.), (back by popular demand): The belief that, when you die, your Soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck there.
16. Circumvent (N.), an opening in the front of boxer shorts worn by Jewish men.
From Scroblene
Can't argue with that headline

From Idle-Idle
While you are looking around his site,
here's a Loathsome Disingenuous Trollop that needs 'a collar of best, white, italian hemp'.
Unlike the Conservatives, we refuse to abandon people in tough times. The British economy needs a shot in the arm, not a slap in the face
In the same manner which HEC got all her policies from Gordo and Bliar, it seems John Key gets his lines from her. I'm sure we heard a slightly amended version of those lines only days ago.
Also the WRONG way to release a bear...
'World class' panhandlers
"There's a delicious irony in seeing private luxury jets flying into Washington, D.C., and people coming off of them with tin cups in their hands," Rep. Gary L. Ackerman (D-N.Y.) advised the pampered executives at a hearing yesterday. "It's almost like seeing a guy show up at the soup kitchen in high-hat and tuxedo. . . . I mean, couldn't you all have downgraded to first class or jet-pooled or something to get here?"
The Big Three said nothing, which prompted Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) to rub it in. "I'm going to ask the three executives here to raise their hand if they flew here commercial," he said. All still at the witness table. "Second," he continued, "I'm going ask you to raise your hand if you're planning to sell your jet . . . and fly back commercial." More stillness. "Let the record show no hands went up," Sherman grandstanded.
Nice one guys. World class in panhandling.
GM, for instance, has about 450,000 retirees - more than three times the number of its current full-time employees - to whom it pays pensions and for whom it provides medical care. By some estimates, medical costs alone add $1,500 to the average cost of each GM automobile. And the company is facing an unfunded liability of more than $80 billion, about half its annual pre-downturn gross sales, for future health-care costs for employees and retirees and their dependents.
Just remember every gas guzzling Yank tank you buy could be US$1500 cheaper if it were not for the unfunded AGW union benefits loaded on top.
Jap crap really is best.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Santa comes early to Air NZ
I'd love to be able to guarantee there won't be more job losses but I can't do that. The next six to 12 months are very difficult to forecast.Any saving of taxpayers money has to be a Christmas bonus.
You can burn through a lot of cash if you don't adapt your business very quickly when your revenue and customer demand start to fall.
some members were in shock after receiving letters yesterday telling them their jobs were going
The usual suspects are screaming 'crisis', but the cuts are sound business in the face of the falling economy. Pruning unionised staff first is always a sound move. But as usual, they have their bases covered as there is an agreement not to stop hiring health and safety personnel when required. And guess where H&S drones are likely to come from?
Welcome to real world. Pity other SOEs are not so upfront about trimming their turkeys.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Are you a morbidly curious onlooker?
Please help! I took my husband's i-phone and found a raunchy picture of him attached to an e-mail to a woman in his sent e-mail file
Wifey certainly found out it was so when she found a 'raunchy' pic of her husband's bits attached to an email to another female is his iPhone 's sent items.
When I approached him about this (I think that he is cheating on me) he admitted that he took the picture but says that he never sent it to anyone.
He claims that he went to the Genius Bar at the local Apple store and they told him that it is an i-phone glitch: that photos sometimes automatically attach themselves to an e-mail address and appear in the sent folder, even though no e-mail was ever sent.
He was quick off the mark to blame it on a glitch.
It was a close-up shot of him pleasuring himself taken at the exact moment of maximum pleasure.
It's such a good shot that one must wonder if he actually practiced it a few times before getting it right.
She said he must have plenty of practice to get the 'perfect shot'.
For the morbidly curious, proceedings are underway.
Second female PM of NZ resigns
The second female PM of NZ handed in her cards to the GG after being red-carded in the Court of Public Opinion Saturday week ago.
The millstone yoke of Liarbour has been, hopefully forever, removed from New Zealand.
From today we go forward away from control and corruption.
First KPI set
For the uninitiated, IMHO, Key Performance Indicators are points against which performance might be measured. Usually generated internally by an organisation as targets to achieve, the best being 'world class'.
And why not have defined performance standards applied to our politicians? Surely only positives can result.
The newly appointed Minister of Plods has unwittingly set the first KPI for the new government.
In 2006, as MP for Clevedon, she presented a 5000-signature petition to Parliament calling for the ratio of police to residents in Counties-Manukau to be no less than one to 556. It is currently one to 658.
God knows from which orifice that figure of 556 was plucked, but it will do till some policy wonk comes up with another. I await a report in short order from her to tell us where we are today, so with regular future (online?) reports we might see how things are improving on her watch.
I look forward to the Minister of Child Abuse making public what the Children's Commissioner sees as the number of kids that are allowed to be murdered as a world class KPI. We already know the numbers we currently achieve, don't we? And we better that measure, year on year.
I have no concerns about saying 'this is a policy that this Government has been elected on and I expect that to be fulfilled as part of the operational requirements that we expect of you'
As part of the KPI system, it is not merely fit to note what has been achieved. Following on, a culture of continuous revision must be enforced and low performance must have consequence.
National demanded accountability from Labour ministers over the failures by Corrections, but Ms Collins said she would not be taking the blame for any botch-ups - immediately at least.
"The outgoing Labour Government never did in nine years, so I think I'll give myself a bit of a chance before I go round answering for their mistakes."
The same system should applied to the politicians from today when they are sworn in. Bring it on, the sooner the better.
HT No Minister
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
School of Hard Knocks Graduation Parade
"Lecturers would be spouting off on sociology, psychology, social work and this sort of stuff. One day I sat there and I realised I know all this, this is just fancy names relating to the life I've lived.
Ready for the challenges, with practical experience. Not like the previous bunch of academic misfits we have endured for the past nine years. Someone who has actually been through the school of hard knocks will have the necessary skills and should be able to cut through the crap that come from the agencies that feed this ministry.
Mana enhancing sibling rivalry
But Maori Party co-leader Tariana Turia bristled at the suggestion that one of Mr Hide's taskforces could run the ruler over portfolios held by her or Pita Sharples, the party's other co-leader.
Just why shouldn't a ruler be run over such a department. It would be nice to know that there is no waste or nepotism in play.
I can't imagine anybody from the private sector to come into an office and go through the budget line-by-line to be able to tell us what we should or should not be doing
That doesn't include political parties who may think they know better than us
Get used to it, an outside view is just what is required after nine years of Liarbour's hire all mates policies.
Meanwhile the elder sibling is looking forward to going on safari.
United Future leader Peter Dunne's biggest gain was for the establishment of a Big Game Hunting Council, as part of a national wild game management strategyZion Park is looking for keeper. And food for the big cats. In either case your talent would be better utilised by fronting up there.
Let the chumps tea party at Animal Farm begin. Can't wait. Wonder what the siblings will get up to whilst the Prime Tourist is off at APEC and Downing Street?
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Roger rogered at last
A deal in record time. See Liarbour, this is how it is done. All parties on board at no real policy cost to any party involved. Unlikely that National will be able to break right as previously blogged, because one partner can be played against the other.
ACT has been neutered and sidelined, with the real threat from the dinosaur rogered. A couple of their policies have been agreed to. There could be some friction between opposite sides as the razor gang goes heavily into Maori Affairs.
The separatist racially based Maori Party has got to the table in a supposedly inclusive government. One can only wonder how long that might last when they find that after the agreed review of the Foreshore and Seabed that there is no desire to handover our beaches to them so they can issue licences for recreational fishing and charge to sunbathe and swim. Yeah right!
Still it is a relatively good start. Maybe both junior partners with some trough experience might learn that pollies can do sod all to fix all the social ills of our country.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
However we do know one thing that TransTasman doesn't - We have it on very good authority that Queen Bee is really none other than the vivacious blonde Sarah Palin look a like Cathy Wood.
So I went for look at the name. Very interesting results. Here also.
Exceltium Ltd is a New Zealand-based corporate & public affairs company. Based in the heart of the Auckland CBD, it provides full-service support for New Zealand and offshore clients with interests in the energy, pharmaceutical, manufacturing, horticultural, forestry and finance sectors.Seems that a certain high rating, supposed right leaning website being a font of knowledge apparently well inside the beltway has suckered more than a few. Just a test site to guage public reaction for their clients? Even more so with The Policy Bog going off air. Is their job done?
Owned by Matthew Hooton and Cathy Wood, Exceltium’s particular specialty is engaging with the political process to achieve commercial and other objectives for its clients.
That Cathy is FAR too devious to ever actually be caught blogging.
Even CK is surprised by BB's revelations (see comments on post at BB).
Parting shot
Cullen has fired a parting shot by releasing incomplete Treasury data supposedly to draw a line in the sand on the state of the economy at handover.
The vindictiveness of a sore loser that knows no bound.
Fit and proper, good character
there were insufficient grounds to refuse a certificate of character
Fit and proper person of good character says the society.
I wonder how long before a statement otherwise is issued from the quarter that has been so vocal on these matters?
Time to move on.
Rodney shot his bolt early
Punters are not happy given that 4% of the vote went to Act they don't get a seat at the top trough. Others who had a minuscule percentage or a totally out of proportion result based purely on race have been offered a place to swill.
As I have said before, this is a good outcome. Roger is neutered and the separatist elements are quietened. Having both in play will kill any radical elements.
I suspect Rodders will be getting some overt advice from a certain quarter on his 'condition' and await the fallout. I fear that area will always be contentious and John Key is correct in trying to lessen the potential of any future Act disruptions. By Sunday we should know whether the offers to the other party also calms their pre-nuptial nerves.
Meanwhile the courtship continues.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Today's poem for both sexes
Before I lay me down to sleep,
I pray for a man, who's not a creep,
One who's handsome, smart and strong.
One who loves to listen long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I pray he's gainfully employed,
When I spend his cash, won't be annoyed.
Pulls out my chair and opens my door...
Massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! Send me a man who'll make love to my mind,
Knows what to answer to 'how big is my behind?'
I pray that this man will love me to no end,
And always be my very best friend.
I pray for a deaf-mute gymnast nymphomaniac with
huge boobs who owns a bar on a golf course,
and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This
doesn't rhyme and I don't give a ...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Trotter hangs up keyboard
But one chance...
This chance cannot be lost or Maori will remain forever in the welfare ditch of despair.
Roarprawn sums up exactly. So refreshing this new government.
Grab it with both hands.
11/11/1918 11:00 - 90 Years

Armistice Day
Lest We Forget
UK Stamp 2008
Oswald has a fantastic painting up on his site that says it all.
Sheeple bailing from KiwiSlaver
Having taken the government bribe and seeing their questionable investment tank in recent times, the hard reality of the credit crunch sinks in.
Financial columnist Mary Holm says more people yet may take a break from the scheme, but the number of people is not significant, given there are still more than 800,000 people in KiwiSaver.
Not significant? At 10,000 per month, in ten months 10% of the suckers will be off the scheme.
The bestest birthday present
A green ISS?
What about the bloody big Roman Candle transporting that stuff into space.
Bet that emits more than a few carcinogenic ozone wreckers that would be extremely hard to spin as being carbon neutral or whatever the latest greenwash calls it these days.
Liarbour election bribe uncovered
Pay 48,000 sheeple extra in Welfare For Families for more votes, only to tell them post-election the overpayment will cost you 14%.
Thieving sods. It was all about trust, you know.
The razor gang starts
But as dozens of Beehive staffers watched the results roll in, they were also watching job prospects shrinking.
As many as 37 press secretaries face the loss of their jobs and many others, including ministerial advisers, office receptionists and personal assistants, may go too.
Labour is likely to keep some staffers in opposition - but it will be a much-reduced team.
Great! 2 days in and already spin merchants are feeling the sharp edge. Won't take long to reach a healthy 10% cut as a starter.
Inbred sense of entitlement
Monday, November 10, 2008
NZ Unions in mourning
Not one of them is carrying any news about the election.
For them their world was stopped on Friday.
The PSA today welcomes John Key's 'spirit of engagement'. Bring on that engagement ASAP I say.
'I really don’t think the voters have thought this through'
Talking turkey
That way he gets to keep all his options open, removes the hard right ethos of Act and neutralises Maori issues. It also gives him choices which would not be available in a single party coalition should one of those two parties go AWOL on him. Keeps both potential partners at arm's length and allows him to steer centre-right.
It is also far better to have the Maori Party onside. That will have a nullifying effect on the separatist activist element which is still rampant. That crowd will go feral if they are not somewhere near the table. He will have enough issues with unions suddenly cutoff without the separatists actively pissing on the tent.
After nailing their colours to their mast, the tree huggers can only blame themselves for not being at the table. When they revert to supporting the environment, not communism, people might be willing to include them. Until then, watch in awe as the new team rapes and pillages the environment. Just kidding, don't suck on too many lemons.
Turkeys talking
Jones is reported to be trying backroom deals over at the Hive.
Whilst being a 'Westie white male' Goff is in with a chance. King doesn't appear overly interested, but may be waiting for the fallout downtrack. If Goff accepts (or gets it forced upon him) he will only be a caretaker till they lose the next election. Not the way he would want his career to end. Say in about 6 years someone will materialise. Maybe that is what Cunners is waiting for.
All the turkeys are talking, but none of them are voting for an early Christmas and step on to the plate.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Feeling second-hand?
Tired maybe after all your campaigning? Hungover more like it.
Isn't nice to have none of those negative attack ads on the box tonight. No kiddie porn from the tree huggers and no videos of single mums who don't know who to trust.
A movie for a relaxing Sunday night and for those of us who are taxpayers, work tomorrow.
'is this worth losing the election over?'
I’m bitter and self-rightous because I’ve had a number of arguments over the last three years with friends in the Greens and Labour about things like the EFA, supporting Winston ect and I’ve constantly asked the question: ‘is this worth losing the election over?’
The reply was always something along the lines of ‘hopefully it won’t come to that.’
Well, guess what?
I’m bitter and self-righteous because it was REALLY fucking obvious this was how things were going to play out.
Go and have a look a Danyl's full piece. It is worth reading and sums up the road to a change in NZ government.
Was it really worth getting smacked over by the EFA and the anti-smacking bill?
Nats will break right
Minus 1 for the Speaker = 64. Roger is my choice there. Defuses all the issues that surround his history and his dead cold hands anywhere near the helm.
National has played a centre-right campaign to good effect, but the electorate has not given them an all out mandate to govern alone.
In practice, Act is well right of the Nats and I feel will drag National to that side. If Act does not support some bill, it is unlikely that the Nats will get support elsewhere. So the need to have a working relationship to pass laws will force them right.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
New Zealand needs to recognise our potential
NZ has so much potential.
I will lead a government that serves the interests of all New Zealanders.
And he looks so happy.
And his wife.
She's gone!
Helen the control freak is history.
A hurried speech for the 10th time? Took her time. Too much Indian for dinner?
I accept the responsibility for the resultBTW Helen, the WINZ phone number for a real job on Monday is 0800 559 009.
My job is done as Liarbour Leader
Bill and Ben to get their money back
Well done Pulp Sport boys. I have a bar that you could spend $1000 on.
Libz and Roger?
As for Roger possibly being in government, has somebody charged the ReSus machine? 360 Joules please.
Has NZ done enough?
Has New Zealand done enough to get rid of the most corrupt government in our short history or do I need to dial 0800 Qantas?
Comments on
Fine sunny day here. Got stuck into long lawns overdue for a cut. Time for dinner, followed by a couple of reds.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Order in the Court!
The Chief Electoral Officer now presiding over the Court of Public Opinion".
And so another electoral cycle nears the finish line.
Get up off the couch and get out there and vote.
May the best man win.
UPDATE: Comment moderation is on due to NZ Electoral laws - you can still comment, but comments will not be made visible till after 1900 tomorrow
Nanny's last gasp
and they need to be protected
Straight from the ivory towers of academia, suggesting once again, we need to be protected from ourselves. Thank God there is an election tomorrow.
Hopefully, the last gasp from Nanny State.
The Williams Effect
With such a shift in effect, I can now vote with my heart.
1 tick for the Blue team.
1 tick for the Green team.
The order is not debatable, but don't panic on the green tick. It definitely won't be one for the tree hugging watermelons with their kiddie porn ads. And although it is a preferred second choice, it won't be Act as long as Roger is the mix. I really do like the sound of an underhang where such a vote could force a number of politicians out of a job along with all their attendant retinues. Go Bill and Ben.
"Change to what is the issue"
Change to what is the issue.
You never have a change in government without a substantial change in policy being the consequence.
Bring the change on.
A change from the ever elusive Winston leading us on a merry dance in contorted legalese on the head of a pin.
A change from a corrupt government that does not listen to the people.
A change from a desperate government that sprays election bribes to all and sundry in an effort to retain control with redistribution of my taxes.
A change from a government pandering to the welfarism and Maorimander of this country.
A change from a government squandering my taxes on bureaucracy.
A change from a government that is soft on law and order.
A change from the negative personal gutter politics.
Need I go on?
Yes, I look forward to positive change. And as this election is all about trust, I look forward to the change to a government that I can trust.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Today's word: defenestration
I wonder how Ms Leonard would react to the idea that her defenestration from the twentieth floor would be a “resource-saving initiative”.
Whilst examining various methodologies of how to make the ultimate cuppa, Pique Oil, ever the gentleman, offers to open the latch.
Greedy bitch gets slapped with a wet bus ticket
this defendant still has a sense of entitlement and perhaps a lack of appreciation of the wrongness that has been done
The fake certificates had been used "so you could obtain sickness benefit at a time when you were ineligible for the unemployment benefit because there was plenty of work out there if you chose to do it", he said. "So, in other words, it seemed easier to you to go on the sickness benefit than to go and do the work ...
"The offending could be described as greedy and lazy ... It's got the added characteristic of involving getting stuck into public funds put aside for people who are in real need.
No doubt, a succinct summary of the typical WINZ client living off my taxes redistributed by Liarbour to the 'needy'.
Should have been locked up, not given a soft sentence.
Susan Couch Press Release
Susan Couch wrote that? Pull the other one. More like by the trustees who 'are generously working to help her'. With the taxpayers monies.ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS FOR RSA VICTIM
Sole survivor of the 2001 RSA killings, Susan Couch, has made a statement in regards to the recent controversy surrounding NZ First’s donation to the Sue Couch Victims Trust.
The Auckland part time working mother who was left for dead following the tragic events in 2001 says she is saddened by the arguments raised which question the Trust’s integrity.
Sue Couch says: “The donations will be used to benefit victims of violent crime placed in a similar situation to my own.”
Susan Couch was working at the Panmure RSA when she was attacked, beaten and left for dead by convicted murderer William Bell in December 2001. She suffered severe injuries but was not covered by any ACC lump sum compensation. Couch says the lack of Government support to victims of violent crime is a serious issue.
“My financial plight is real, as are those of other victims of serious crime. I appreciate the donation by Winston Peters and all others who have donated money to this very important Trust,” she says.
The Trust is currently in the process of being registered. Once it has been established Sue Couch will be listed as patron.
Couch also disapproves the negative commentary surrounding the involvement of her lawyers, Brian Henry and Dennis Gates to the Trust and to her case. “They have spent many hours working on my legal case, fighting to help me receive an account from the Government Department who failed to protect both myself and the public by releasing Bell on parole. They have done this work without being paid, for which I am truly grateful.”
Couch says the trustees are generously working to help her and others who are living the same life sentence as social welfare beneficiaries.
“Whatever people think of Winston, I am very grateful for the donation by NZ First to the Trust. The money will be put to good use”
Where's the $158K Winston?
Trifecta Jackpot
QB has been joining dots and there is a big red line from NZ to the EU. Seems it is all about dairy and not having a US FTA. TV3 has been suckered, the Liarbour Hydra is in the thick of it.
An excellent idea
The law requires those with convictions to pay any child support owed and satisfy all restitution requirements from their sentences before they can vote.
Should be applied forthwith here to anyone in receipt of a benefit or WFF, excluding Super.
Would immediately lessen the socialist desire to redistribute my taxes.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
You have to be joking!
Unbelievable. Any vestige of respect for the Police just went out the door.
Crown accounts tank
Treasury said the change was a result of the late reversal of accruals relating to an earlier period.
Of interest is the accrual reversals. What has been suddenly reversed one month on from Prefu making the books look massively worse? Did Mikhail 'reverse' certain entries prior to Prefu to make the problems only look half-bad?
Only problem is her indoors held out for the long election game and what could have been uncovered by a new government to their absolute horror has been exposed to sunlight.
An explanation about here would be very nice Mikhail. Timing is everything, just like Obama now gathering in the sympathy vote.
Great comment
1. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift.
2. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong
3. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
4. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred.
5. You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence.
6. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men.
7. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
8. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
9. You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
10. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they will not do for themselves.[Lincoln did not say these things. They were written in 1916 by the Rev. William J. H. Boetcker, a Presbyterian clergyman and pamphlet writer]
from Gulag Archipelago over at KB. We all might do well to heed some of the above.
Electoral Commission confirms complaints filtered
Mr Hide said he did not know why the commission had taken so long to act, as the query was made in July.
A commission spokesman said the query did not go into its system when made in July and was picked up only when the complainant asked after it.
A complaint against Rodders in his canary suit was sidelined until the complainant asked where is the result. A slip up on their part.
The act requires "published election advertisements" to carry the authorisation of the party's financial agent - which Mr Hide's jacket does not.
While no complaints against Liarbour have been upheld, others against the Nats and Act have been actioned forthwith with negative outcomes. I wonder how many Liarbour ones have been sidelined through active filtering? Nothing to see here, move along!
Go figure. What else would be expected from an agency of the desperate and dateless Liarbour? Trust? I don't think so.