The “Now it can be told” Phase Of History
17 minutes ago
Australia will make one of its biggest ever military purchases with a $12 billion order for 58 Joint Strike Fighters in a move that will lift the nation's air combat power to among the world's most advanced.
Prime Minister Tony Abbott will announce the planned purchase today in Canberra
An era ended yesterday. The idea that a state house was awarded to tenants for life has been consigned to history. Legislation that put an end to this idea passed through Parliament late last year, remarkably with little comment. The law came into effect yesterday just as quietly. From now on, tenants will face a review every three years to see whether their income or circumstances have improved.
that no disabled or elderly will be asked to give up a state house "in the coming year" unless they wish to
Sooner or later an elderly person is going to be evicted from a house she loves in a neighbourhood where she has lived most of her life, so that a family may be given the three-bedroom home she has occupied alone, and she will be on television
Helen Clark reflects on life as a leader
this job needs a leader, and I am that leader
My perspective is firstly, there is an incumbent with three years to run and he has my total support
A vast area of seabed off Northland's west coast has again been opened up to oil exploration.
Energy and Resources Minister Simon Bridges announced this week that 405,000sq km of land and sea - including a barely explored 75,000sq km in the Reinga-Northland Basin - had been put up for tender to oil and gas companies.
Reinga Basin was ''virtually unexplored''
Green MP David Clendon, however, said New Zealand should be putting it efforts into moving towards a low-carbon economy
Forest and Bird lamented what it called Mr Bridges' ''garage sale''
block offer had followed consultation with iwi, hapu
Ministry of Business, Employment and Innovation has been forced to backtrack on a policy which offered staff the opportunity to dob in colleagues
Public Service Association (PSA) ... were concerned that whistleblowers were contacting a company associated with the police
Labour Party State Services spokeswoman Maryan Street said it was an "extraordinary" use of a hotline
New Zealand's first environmentally sustainable public "third pipe" scheme, planned to serve thousands of homes with recycled storm water
Rain falling on Stonefields - a redevelopment of a former East Auckland quarry - was to be fed to a storm water retention pond and treated to feed a plumbing network to toilets and garden taps
despite the network being built at a cost of more than $7.5 million, municipal water supplier Watercare has rejected it on grounds of potential water quality
to protect public health
would not meet New Zealand's drinking water standards
Watercare's A Grade for water supply could be jeopardised
"F... you, man, there's no future," he said to Cunliffe
angry citizen drove up beside him ... gave Cunliffe the fingers
New battle plan could lift Labour ratings
Parking fines canned
Genesis offers value