
Friday, November 24, 2017

Keeping an eye on dodgy government appointees, crony-by-crony!

Occasionally I trawl the sewers of the feral left.  Just so you don't have to.

With Aunty Snaggletooth was recently seen in the news pleading with an ancient recently touted as 'the fresh face of Labour' for some freebie dentistry (supposedly not affordable on her top 0.00001% wage), I hear H2 has also been installed in Snaggletooth Junior's retinue of political cronies.  Or was it crones?

Anyway here's another crony about to reap a massive taxpayer stipend.  Not content with buggering the NZ economy with KiwiRail I thought he already had another overpaid job buggering NZ Post.

Former Labour Finance Minister Sir Michael Cullen will chair the Government's controversial tax working group

I guess this leftie blog post will be shortly updated to reflect the current state of affairs.  /sarc