
Monday, September 25, 2017

Winston's first blood?

Some might say jumped before being pushed?

Bill English's chief of staff Wayne Eagleson has resigned

First blood in the upcoming horse trading.  

And that the question of who leaked Winston's super details pre-election will no longer be an issue.  Will there be any more?

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Whew! Picked the winner.

My long held view that WinstonFirst would be the necessary disrupter is now about to happen.  Picked that winner!

Unfortunately Northland didn't hold it's nerve and re-elect him, preferring some unknown with two blue ticks. 

He may have lost his seat with 7.9% but leads 9 MPs into the new Parliament to make Billy Boy a king. 

Some might say to make horse features a Queen.  I still doubt he'll go near anything with a tree hugger or a three way split featuring rainbows and unicorns being micro-managed by H1.

Some good news though. 

The racist party has gone "back to the mothership for more abuse" and in doing so it are out of the game.  No more "our people" this and that.

The Graft party still hugs onto the rotten corpse of a self-confessed fraud.  Bar the feral tree hugging core, the overall numbers show what the electorate thought of that.   Good news, the fraud is out with the populace eagerly awaiting her next chapter, possibly with criminal charges. Mind you, the possible new entry is trying already to mark her territory by coming out swinging with "I wouldn't say he's super representative of the youth of today".

Meanwhile the sharks are already circling.

Cannot wait to watch the rabid left go into meltdown as they watch years 9 to 12 of 'the neo-liberal experiment' work for all under the newly crowned King of New Zealand.

A great result for the winner.  As I have long held, never underestimate Winnie!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

And why not? [updated]

"let wives take a day off from the kitchen"

Whilst Uber is apologising profusely for being male, it is a pity here in New Zealand we don't keep more wives out of politics and barefoot in the kitchen.

voters "cannot be this thick"

20 per cent of the population moves in 24 hours on a smiley face. You look at it and you go - 'Jesus, they cannot be this thick'."

The Pussy Slayer agrees.

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The picture shows it all

I've done the TVNZ (partisan leftie MSM) Vote Compass multiple times over the past few weeks.  No matter how I look at things, I always end up in the bottom right corner.  Although I was subjected to probably what you'd call a socially conservative god-bothering upbringing, many years on from there it certainly doesn't feature large in any of my current life.

In the top left corner we have the rabid Left.  Ferals the lot of them, full of entitled fraudulent, racist communists and queers who want to tax me into oblivion.  And make me pay for any white male colonial guilt I might feel along with my supposed ozone f**king farming practices.   No amount of bribes could ever entice me to vote for any offering from this corner.

We have a number of outliers - UNF, ACT which seem to end up at the trough but as always are holding on by their fingernails.  Usually put there because of dirty political deals.  As for the CON party, the people that jumped to this wagon were violently shafted with the allegations / shenanigans of their past leader from which their party will never recover.  Anyway too many god-botherers in this one for me.

Then we have NZF.  Some say a one man band, but look at the graph.  Slightly left, but still bang on the centre, no wonder LabourLite is so worried about them.  A minor leftward shift would favour them and hopefully make them kingmaker.  And WinstonFirst will look after himself.  Generation Snowflake needs a taste of the leftie sword.

Then we have the bottom right corner where I need someone to represent me.  The fence sitting LabourLite doesn't do it for me as they continually pander to their other BFF.  Yes, the Maori Party.  The Nats did once have principles but then they sold them and their integrity buying votes through their racist BFF.

So where to go?  Rainbows and unicorns from the left?  Eff off!  LabourLite or Boy Wonder of ACT.  No way - just voting for the same old.  And they're likely to think they've got the mandate for more of the same.

No, NZF it is.  As I've said before Two ticks black to disrupt the game.   Forcing LabourLite back to principles and more into my corner as a more plausible rightward offering long term.

Media desperate to tar LabourLite

A fuel crisis!!!


Four Z stations run out of 95 gas.  I wonder how many Z stations are there in Jafaland?

Apparently all to be fixed by lunchtime, but the MSM being ever  on the ball try to tar LabourLite with generating the supposed crisis.

BTW, great to see the premium NCEA spelling. Just like the premium prices at your local Z gas station.