keep the British people enslaved in the
bureaucratic nightmare.
To remind Johnson and his government in the simplest of
terms, some of the issues about which
the British people care the most:
They want an end to open border mass immigration and imposed multi-culturalism.
They want to stop surrendering control over their laws, money, borders and fishing
grounds to the unelected bureaucrats of the European Union. (i.e. they want to leave the EU)
They want an end to the continued influx of refugees when there is a shortage of
housing, school places, money, health care provision and compounded by a breakdown in law and
This issue is especially annoying when the oil rich states of the
middle east have the money, the space and the facilities but refuse to take any
refugees whatsoever.
They want an end to wasting ever increasing sums of money on foreign aid
to dictators and frivolous causes abroad when there is a desperate
shortage of money for investment at
They want to stop wasting billions of taxpayer's money on a futile attempt to alter the climate by the
end of the century. They want an end to the nonsense about a climate emergency, there isn’t
If there was there’s nothing on this tiny island we can do to stop it.
They want an end to the curtailment of their ancient freedoms by the imposition of rigidly policed
political correctness. This includes freedom of speech and the right to form
opinions and speak about them openly without fear of arrest by zealous, agenda
driven police officers.
I will conclude by saying that the British people demand that we
leave the corrupt and failing European Union and all its institutions
absolutely and entirely on October 31st, 2019.
A summary of what people really want, as Mr Johnson's 90-day clock rather quickly runs down. Let's hope he succeeds with his No Deal.
As highlighted by me, all of it is totally applicable here in Godzone.
This year, upcoming local government wannabees looking for my vote would do well to heed the above. Politicians of all stripes in central government looking for my vote in 2020 again should take note of
what people really want.