
Sunday, September 03, 2023

Luxon confirms ticking Nats are wasted votes

Today the prime fence sitter delivers a Winston styled 'pledge card' for consumption by the sheeple in the vain hope of garnering votes.

Nothing in those pledges about fully and completely excising the divisive cancer of tribal co-governance via 3/5/10 waters.  Sure he's tested the waters with some earlier utterances about repealing the legislation.  That will be watered down as those that voted it in under the cover of urgency scream blue murder as their trough is drained.  All whilst the over-arching statement of intent remains.

And the yet to be felt RMA reforms remain whilst remaining firmly wedded to the scam that is climate change.

Legal types will be rubbing their hands in glee for many a decade.

Just eight wishy-washy platitudes most would be troughers use whilst chasing your vote. 

No, Labour-Lites latest offering will not sway this household as New Zealand remains a haven for mostly ex-POM imported jobsworths and the non-productive leeching off those who actually contribute.


Ele Ludemann said...

Chris Luxon has repeatedly said there will be no co-governance and that both Three Waters and the RMA debacle will be repealed. The pledge card was designed to be positive about what it will do rather than what it will undo.

Anonymous said...

Ele, As I've often noted elsewhere, when cornered on these matters I fear Luxon will fold. He has shown zero willingness to address the underlying falsity of the Waitangi Tribunal trough. Those presently dining large in race based taxpayer funding will scream blue murder and not go quietly. Current Exhibit A being one Willie Jackson. The prime driver of "treaty principles" and over-arching statements of intent re water will remain firmly entrenched for the next Labour government to further entrench their version of tribal democracy.