
Monday, July 09, 2007

Hone 'the Muss'

Maori Party MP Hone has called Oz PM John a 'racist bastard' for having the gall to actually directly intervene in communities where abuse and other crimes have been long reported.

Not only questioning the PM's lineage, Hone's warrior gene instantly comes to the fore as below.
All I would want to do is go out and smash someone

This verbal warrior is backed up by the party's co-leader, Mr Sharples, who questions whether
military intervention to be at all appropriate in dealing with the sensitive nature of the situation outlined in the report

Maybe they think the answer lies in how NZ repeatedly deals with abusive criminals such as gangs - endless talkfests, soft sentences, without any real action - I say 10 points to Mr Howard for grabbing the nettle with both hands. This is exactly the action we require in NZ - zero tolerance.

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