The recent loss over their reason to exist when MP Anne Tolley pulled the rug over tuck shop food obviously still smarts. So called nutritionists still trying to get me to deviate from meat and two veg with a few chocolate vices thrown in.
was particularly critical of the sale of 1kg Easter eggs, which have 60 teaspoons of fat and 146 teaspoons of sugar
A foodie is getting her nanny state knickers in a twist over largish Easter eggs. Seems she wants to stop all eggs as being it is a 'bastardisation of Easter'.
Our products can be enjoyed as part of a balanced diet and balanced lifestyle, and we recommend all food should be consumed in appropriate amounts related to an individual's ability to balance their intake of calories with their output.
Cadbury's tells her like it is. We pig out one day a year, feel crook for a few more and then are over it.
Christian customs connected with Easter eggs are to some extent adaptations of ancient pagan practices related to spring rites. The egg has long been a symbol of 'fertility', 'rebirth' and 'the beginning'. In Egyptian mythology, the phoenix burns its nest to be reborn later from the egg that is left; Hindu scriptures relate that the world developed from an egg. With the rise of Christianity in Western Europe, the church adapted many pagan customs and the egg, as a symbol of new life, came to represent the Resurrection. Some Christians regarded the egg as a symbol for the stone being rolled from the sepulchre."
So that's all right then. Because the egg has been part of the Christian culture of Easter since the early days of the church, for many centuries in fact, but it also may be an adaptation of other traditions, it's fine to cash in on the tradition while destroying the special significance of Easter being celebrated at the specified time of year.
She would do well to remember that the eggs are a pagan fertility rite.
An aside, I couldn't find a link, but I did wonder if another King of the same vintage, notorious for howling at the moon about crime, was her sister?
Very apt that the date for Easter is the first Sunday after the the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
Must be in the genes for self-proclaimed foodies to go off around a full moon.
Snap! Oswald states the case in a more forthright manner.