Some comments of late have contained offensive words.
Whilst I appreciate the interaction and am aware that in heated debate parties let rip, giving it their all, I ask you to make considered commentary.
Have a nice one.
The Management
The Good Oil Daily Roundup
1 hour ago
Please feel free to delete the offending posts. I just all of a sudden got fed up with these ignorant people speaking with such authority and abusing others when they (in reality) know so little of what they are talking about.
Cheers for stopping by RB.
I'm happy to leave them as a record of a troll being taken to task. It is a never ending thankless job, a job which you do very well, putting them on the Right track.
Thanks for your kind words. I am going to do a post later that I hope will alert Obama's protectors to what the word certify really means.
Well said PM. I sometimes cannot believe the foul language I read on blogs. Even at a nice persons like HP.
It is an indictment on people that they cannot express themselves without resorting to four letter words and personal abuse.
I congratulate you on your stance.
pdm, that's crap. There are situations where trolls so enrage otherwise erudite and eloquent commentators that only a certain stream of invective will suffice to convey reality.
Billy Connolly used to do a gag about when it's appropriate to use the 'F' word. Basically, when you get felt up on public transport, saying "Excuse me please, would you mind refraining from doing that" is a boat-load less effective that "F--K OFF".
That said, it's your place PM so I'll try and temper my language.
The GG - I have on occasions when annoyed with trolls on various blogs told them
`where to go and how to get there'
without reverting to four letter words.
"There are situations where trolls so enrage otherwise erudite and eloquent commentators that only a certain stream of invective will suffice to convey reality."
ROFL. Yes, you guys sure do have problems with your anger. Are trolls people who point out facts that make you so uncomfortable that your only response is to get into a lather of rage? That's rhetorical. No rage and abuse filled response required.
Anon - you are thinking of Red Alert where `intolerent' Trevor Mallard tells everyone who makes even a minor point contrary to his views that they are trolling.
In saying that he does not resort to four letter words - his approach is to ban people.
Anon - Are trolls people who point out facts that make you so uncomfortable that your only response is to get into a lather of rage?
No, trolls are insufferable, cowardly POS with an inferiority complex, and they know that the shite they spew forth can only be done from behind the safety of a keyboard and with anonymity. If they dared to repeat it in polite company (or outside Parliament in Trevor's case) they are more than likely to end up with a bloodied nose.
What mawm said. Exactly.
We don't have a problem with trolls in CR--our hygiene standards filter 'em out. And isn't it interesting that the most offensive,persistent and dishonest commenters are almost invariably anonymous leftards?
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