
Friday, December 09, 2011

Dangers of green electrickery

The ever present danger of greenwash in overdrive and powering your National Grid. (click for big pic)

Bit draughty in Old Blighty at present.


KG said...

And this:
'THE runaway take-up of rooftop solar panels is undermining the quality of electricity supplies, feeding so much power back into the network that it is stressing the system and causing voltage rises that could damage household devices such as computers and televisions...'


KG said...

oops--forgot to add the http:// at the beginning of that link.

Anonymous said...

Slightly better outcome than Fukushima or Chernobyl eh lads?

KG said...

Bollocks, Anonymous Coward. For starters, both Fukushima and Chernobyl were actually useful power plants, unlike windmills, those exploding useless symbols of green idiocy.
Second, how many people have died as a result of nuclear accidents? (answer on the back of an envelope, on a deaths/KWH generated/years basis)
You're full of shit and you still don't have the balls/brains to get a nick.

Anonymous said...

Poor KG. Forced to resort to covering his non sequiturs with mouth frothing abuse. Why so angry? Is it the impotence?

KG said...

"Why so angry"? Retards with access to a keyboard tend to do that.
Now go back to squeezing your zits in mommy's basement, since tou're obviously incapable of answering the questions and putting forward a coherent argument. Answer the questions you've already been asked and people might begin to take you seriously.
Until then, you're nothing more than a yapping poodle.

Anonymous said...

Roarrr roarrr says the impotent one angrily. None of which makes up for the fact that he thinks an indefinite contaminated no-go area 20km in radius and billions in economic losses are preferable to a minor turbine fire. Go back to stocking on canned goods and guns, loser.

KG said...

yaaaawn...junior's back, banging away at the keyboard one-handed. :)

PM of NZ said...

KG, Whatever it is, he's sure gotta a firm grip on it...

Anonymous said...

"banging away at the keyboard one-handed."

Yeah well, if I did that at least I'd get a result, unlike you. Haunted you your whole life hasn't it?