Mauri Ora: A unique home based programme for anyone wanting to understand Maori culture and learn more about Aotearoa New Zealand history.
Some sick bastard has deposited a piece of junk mail, blatantly cultural propaganda on a glossy in my mail box this 'arvo. Must have read my blog, noted my strong views on such matters and decided I need re-education.
knowledge of Aotearoa New Zealand history including the Treaty of Waitangi , the Declaration of Independence and colonisation.
Declaration of independence and colonisation? Really? New Zealand history - no doubt heavily revised to suit the current indoctrination schedule emanating from academia and all levels of government these days.
Apart from being fee free (read white mofo taxpayers will pay), heaps of handouts and someone getting paid to re-educate me in my home (read someone gets a free car on my dime), I see the content appears to be a twisted view of New Zealand history. And it accrues a Level 2 NCEA qualification.
I wonder how much value the Kiwi taxpayer gets from offering such wasteful courses as these via these polytechs? Surely courses in physical things like building, engineering and the like that could be used to rebuild Canterbury are currently more useful than hobbyist courses in cultural claptrap.
1 comment:
they must know your address than. perhaps Key has been spying on you, little protestor? Somehow, I think not though, they don't care about your views!
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