
Monday, October 28, 2013

Coming ready or not, Mr Key

People-smugglers in Indonesia are promoting a passage to New Zealand in shipping containers for up to $17,000 a person and are describing it to would-be customers as "the cruise ship option"

New Zealand is very clear ... Everything is better than Australia ... New Zealand is a golden opportunity. You can take your mother, your brother, all of your family after proving they are in danger too.

The 'cruise ship' option for illegal immigration is about to loom in our waters.  Are our laws ready, Mr Key? 

He says a law passed in June for mass arrivals means New Zealand is prepared if any do

amendment to the Immigration Act allows immediate detention of mass arrivals - 30 people or more

the ability to seek further detention for 28 days at a time until the asylum seekers' bona fides are established

I fear not, the mealy-mouthed civil-liberty types will spike them just like they did to the laws we had in place for the Urewera terrorists.  They will turn up in boatloads of 29 or less, effectively bypassing your useless immigration laws.  The do-gooders that infest our Dominion will welcome them in with open arms just like they did with the illegal hordes that Labour's she-beast let in previously via Nauru.

And no, they are not asylum seekers, they are illegal immigrants that need to be re-exported back to source.  No detention, just send them back immediately.

1 comment:

Barry said...

Well said PM - I agree with you