
Monday, June 26, 2017

Stuff: In dire need of a sub-editor that can spell

For example:

Land owners object to Hikuai cycleway being built on flood plane 

It is obvious that their current editor is plainly not on the plane.


David said...

PM of NZ: In dire need of a sub-editor who can grammar

pdm said...

Hi PM - I have only now found out you are back - good news.

Still near Dannevirke I presume.

Good luck I will follow with interest.

Kind regards


PM of NZ said...

Hi back to you PDM, never went anywhere, just done an awful lot of lurking without posting recently. Although am now resident in the not so winterless north awaiting Winston's 10 bridges. Very busy settling in and can't be bothered commenting on other blogs - have to dig out login and password details everytime.