
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Party of tossers wants more of the action

Covid-19 The Government* has left the economy in tatters. 

The Government has a blank slate and an open chequebook to show just how brave it is.

I’ve said before that I’d like to see a universal basic income (UBI) as part of the stimulus package

* I've corrected it for you

Whilst St Jacinda of Corona is bankrupting New Zealand doling out my hard earnt cash to all and sundry, yet another party of idiots surfaces looking for a slice of said freebies.

Seems that those who won't entertain working to better themselves somehow deserve a universal benefit.  As if the current pot of gold ie unbridled welfare taken from already exorbitant taxes isn't enough.

Where do these tossers get their ideas?  Unfortunately they will get votes from the unwashed expecting cradle-to-grave handouts.

1 comment:

Lindsay Mitchell said...

In 2010, when Treasury modelled a UBI of $300 per week for all individuals aged 16 and over, it identified a $45-57b annual price tag (which would replace all current social security entitlements costing around $27b.)

Eye watering.