
Sunday, June 14, 2020

We're far too bloody soft!

there is "something wrong" with New Zealand's justice system

Bollocks!  Capital punishment is a good place to start.

well over half of the men in our prisons are Māori, when nearly two-thirds of women in our prisons are Māori, that tells you there is something wrong with the system

Do the crime, do the time.  Nothing wrong with that!  It takes a lot of repeated crime to actually get one locked up these days.   If you don't like the numbers, stop breeding criminals.

The way I see it, the only things wrong with the current soft justice system are Mr Plod pussy-footing around trying to be nice hugging crims with the judiciary failing to impose effective full-term non-parole sentencing.  All the other do-gooders talking of turning out the currently imprisoned are more than welcome to be visited by a recently released ex-inmate on a dark rainy night.

Let's face it, your favoured gang members earnt their patch through violent crime and are willing to make use of any firearms to hand to continue their drug-driven money streams.

I say the justice system is too soft. Along with society in general.  Lock the bastards up forever and toss the keys, crims in my book forfeit any rights.

There are no politicians in New Zealand prepared to step up and get tough on crime.  We are too soft.

1 comment:

Alan said...

The justice system in New Zealand has been screwed since the very early 1960's. Activist judges abound these days