
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Removing the 'I' from 'team'

Former senior minister Nanaia Mahuta said she carried her landmark Three Waters without the support of key senior ministers.

Speaking to TVNZ’s Q+A with Jack Tame, Mahuta said she could have had more support from senior ministers.

“Could I have got more support from a broader range of senior ministers during the time of promoting those reforms - absolutely,” Mahuta said.

Mahuta implied she carried the reforms alone.

There is no 'I' in 'team'.

Thank God the New Zealand voter saw fit to cauterise her brand of extremely divisive apartheid hidden from view as the 'new' democracy.  Some other enablers remain in office hanging by a thread but should be lanced and excised.

Unfortunately, much legislation re 3/10 Waters has been passed under urgency in the cover of darkness without consultation and thus has not been subject to full legal sunlight.  Should the left ever get the levers of power again, be assured this brand of ratchet socialism will be quickly resurrected and executed.  Along with capital and wealth taxes.

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