
Saturday, December 09, 2023

Auckland 's Mayor Brown stands up for your property rights. No!

Auckland's Council and Mayor Brown are seen to be desparate to climb all over your property rights. Seems he wishes to have open access for Joe Public across the waterfront house's front yard at no cost.  No respect of the owner's rights to peaceable enjoyment.  

Brown said it felt like the owners were trying to hold the council to “ransom” and he didn’t approve of their behaviour

The new owner rightly says no.

The previous owner had apparently allowed Joe Public to cross their front yard as it forms part of the Milford-Takapuna walk and there was a bridge (on his land) to facilate the crossing at the water's edge. That bridge disappeared into the tide a decade ago and is not being replaced.

A side note:  

clients would have to stump up $100,000 plus to try to have the listing removed, leading consultants to have a “feast” on the fees

$100+K for some consultant crat to pronounce the heritage values or not of the house on the foreshore? No guarantees given upon payment with the application, but you'd could safely wager the outcome to be in the council's favour as the the consultant would be firmly on the council's list of 'preferred' operatives.  

No wonder the current owner is digging in.

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