If a government can knowingly and deliberately break the law and then ram through retrospective validating legislation then it can do anything.Day by day this Labour government continues its death spiral.
We have a government composed of people who simply do not recognise the concept of government under law.
- Bernard Robertson, editor, New Zealand Law Journal.
Your Daily Ten@10 - 2025/41
20 minutes ago
1 comment:
"Absolute power leads to absolute corruption" - as we are seeing from this NZ Labour Government. And how corrupt they are, changing election laws to suit themselves, breaking the backs of the average hard Kiwi worker by over-taxation, and trying to shut down any one who dares to critique them. The leaders of Labour have become drunk on their own power, and I believe they will stop at nothing to rort the election result. It's high time for New Zealand to fight back. Enough is enough, National has my vote forever!
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