The dingo union strirrer (and that is being extremely nice!) who split the country in two, over whether power retailers and SOEs in general should act as financiers to the masses for those who do not exercise any personal responsibility and especially, do not pay their bills on time, now wants to our PM.
OK, he says is tempted to enter the fray to be an MP, looking to go up against the PM in waiting, the 'Prince of Parnell'. PM would be the ultimate goal of anyone who enters Parliament. I say, apart from a gold plated super fund, the main reason is to get his snout deeper into public trough and join the rest of the timeservers.
His opening gambit was one big cockup when he identified himself a union spokesman and he will forever be tarred with that brush. He has obviously been recently coached by the hierarchy and has now just thrown his hat in to continue his career in social engineering.
"This is the best recession ever."
10 minutes ago
"OK, he says is tempted to enter the fray to be an MP, looking to go up against the PM in waiting, the 'Prince of Parnell'."
That sentence does not make sence. I have learnt one thing being a blogger, spell and grammer check! So it should be - Ok, he says *he* is tempted to enter the fray to be an MP, looking to go up against the PM in waiting, the 'Prince of Parnell'.
There you go! All re-done for you. I've learnt even having a letter out of place will have all your right wing croud yapping like old dogs!
Anyway welcome to the blogsphere I will be nice and give you your first post.
- James Sleep
Jimmy lad,
Pot, this is kettle...
I have noted, but never commented, on the the spelling and grammAr in your postings at various blogs I read, although it is at a par for what I would expect from the modern education system.
While some of my postings may not make true grammatical senSe to you as a rabid understudy of the corrupt left, I am sure most readers will follow and agree with the gist of my two fingered keyboard bashing.
I do feel that blogging is not an exercise in usage of the Queen's English, but a medium through which I might express my deep concern about the current corrupt governance at all levels in this country.
True, I have gained a few more life skills than yourself, but you are well mis-informed that I belong to to the right wing croWd. I, in fact, do not belong to any.
ps In my reply above the mid-word uppercase letters serve to highlight the errors in your NCEA spell checker...
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