Just like the plague, another so called Christian party has sprung into existence. I wonder if this one will get any more votes than the last. Anther Destiny re-incarnation by the looks of it.
Somehow God-botherers of a political nature touting for my vote do not do it for me. Politics and religion just do not gel properly. Public office and soul saving are mutually exclusive. Would be pollies have to sell their souls to get votes. Similarly, the Watchtower hawkers turning up on your doorstep of a weekend, all glowing and full of promise, when you least expect wanting you to buy your way in, do not get a look in.
Now, this person, should she ever form her own party of believers and if I was of a believing type, could bet on my vote. She has rock solid doggedness of sticking to her view of moral principles. Some regard her as a nutter, other quite make vicious comments, I admire her for sticking to her guns. She certainly would beat any so-called Christian party hands down.
"This is the best recession ever."
1 hour ago
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