
Thursday, December 06, 2007

Winston red carded

After Winnie's EFB opening salvoes diatribe of spit-flecked invective (HT Whaleoil for description) in the bear-pit the other evening, suggesting National MP's name one individual who might be affected by the EFB, he has been carded.

The Sensible Sentencing Trust's Garth McVicar was so named and Winnie
responded that [law and order spokesman] Ron Mark and he had worked closely with Mr McVicar for many years and would continue to do so

Mr McVicar raised the flag yesterday suggesting

Our stance will certainly be that we don't see much point in supporting NZ First any further. I would imagine we've got thousands more members than [NZ First] have throughout New Zealand, so I think they're dead in the water, realistically. I think Winston's just totally lost the plot

Further, another previously close apolitical ally to Winnie, Grey Power with 95000 members says
I would be very, very surprised if [Mr Peters] was supported, because we are very anti that bill, and the implications that the bill would have on us as an organisation

Knowing Winnie's previous form in latching onto baubles, while his cold hand grasps for straw, I would never write him off, but definitely the statements above look like a red card to me.

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