The Deplorable Ethics of a Preemptive Pardon
44 minutes ago
about things which are important to New Zealand
The law needs to return to parliament to be amended to make clear that the New Zealand trade union movement is allowed to be properly involved in our elections.
She's not in my world, she's never been in it at all.
They are all fake singers, they sing with a microphone.People call them up and coming but they never last.
Indeed deliciously ironic.
- rich pricks
- hidden agendas
- explosive revelations about a range of possible breaches of election finance laws and parliamentary spending rules that [ ... ] has kept quiet while it has attacked other parties on these issue
- deceptive and unethical activities
- cash for honours
- ...
Speaking of which, where is that dear sweet young Master Hager?
Goodness, his journalistic fervour and trenchant insights into corruption at the highest level would find ample grace and favour with the public right now...
the minister was not feeling well and would deliver the address at a later date
We have homegrown people with long records. Why do we need to import them?New Zealand was seen as a "soft touch" by people trying to immigrate
More than that... it's seen as plain stupid. It's a massive drain on the ratepayers of New Zealand
New Zealanders need to understand, they are just buying themselves serious problems if they don't act. I want to see the same rules that are applied by nearly every other country.
Peters said it was unfortunate that the actions of some refugees caused others to be "tarred with the same brush".
That's a human reaction and I blame the authorities.
The really interesting issue for me is that we haven't fully quantified the problem and fully identified what it is that Wellington is hoping to achieve by the [commission]. We are still not grasping the real issue...
If the public don’t know what politicians stand for and what their real agenda is, then the public stands to feel deeply betrayed when the truth comes out
Ironically Clark is now the political beneficiary of Richardson's tough calls