Sleaze, innuendo and gory graphic detail read out in an Australian court. More detail here.
And we cannot report suicide as suicide in this country.
The Deplorable Ethics of a Preemptive Pardon
1 hour ago
Local Maori are claiming a big section of Cape Kidnappers land owned by American billionaire Julian Robertson
"That area has great significance for our people, Ngati Hawea," ... "Our people were actually camped up that way for all those years before Captain Cook came along.
If the court rules in ... favour, it would set a precedent that could apply to other reserve lands around New Zealand
Newmarket Business Association chief executive Cameron Brewer said commuters were being advised to stay well clear of Newmarket over the weekend, meaning already struggling businesses would miss out on one of the busiest shopping days of the year
brutal funding cuts
would leave it with half of the money it had before
Tolley was unapologetic over the cuts
You have your decisions to make around your budgeting. As minister, I have my decisions to make around my budgeting
The rising costs were unsustainable
You have a philosophical point of view and I respect that.
But I can't afford to pay for it.
Feilding has suffered enough tragedy in recent weeksTapping the grief, the audacity of the revenue gatherers know no bounds.
Random check points in Feilding and the surrounding area picked up five drink drivers last night
says she has been judged "quite harshly" by the public
A council report shows the tunnel is illegally used by about 70 cars and 50 unauthorised not-in-service buses daily
Mr Krauskopf was seriously injured last year when hit by a car while he was walking home after a night's drinking. He lost his cafe business and home as a result of his injuries
A car with a camera mounted on it will target motorists using the bus tunnel
One of the sailors was struck so hard his eye socket fractured and he was sent back to New Zealand
Heke punched Able Electronic Warfare Specialist Rameka Pita twice in the head before approaching Able Seamen Combat Specialist Te Kira and punching him twice in the head with such force he fell off his chair.
Heke had to be pulled off Kira by fellow navy crewmen, the court heard.
Heke pleaded guilty to both counts before Judge Charles Blackie during a Court Martial at Devonport Naval Base
I don't want you to crush this man. Yes, impose a meaningful penalty, he knows that going to happen, but we need to keep it in some context as well
was genuinely and deeply remorseful for his actions
The deployment aboard HMNZS Te Kaha "represented a trip of a lifetime" for Heke and instead of the recommendation for promotion he hoped for he had been sent home in disgraceAt the time of this incident, Te Kaha was outward bound to South East Asia for exercises. The next trip was to the States. Trips of a lifetime indeed, being the first since NZ was ejected from ANZUS two and a half decades earlier after the anti-nuke madness.
"face up" to child abuse by identifying mothers who let "mongrel men" into their homes, and to stump up with their own funding so abused children could be placed in iwi instead of state care
the suggestion iwi provide funding and resources was ridiculous. "We can't. We don't have them. It's a state responsibility. We know how bad it is, we know the helplessness and hopelessness of it, and that we are the only ones who can save ourselves. But we also need resources and the support of the state to do that."
a negative conscious and emotional reaction to personal past acts and behaviors
Their demise now is near complete.
Ultimately the Act caucus was consumed by hate, personal and visceral; by a mutual loathing that no lust may repair. There is no commonality, no real organisation, and soon there will be no finances.
All that will be left, will be regret.
I am standing to keep the politicians honest, and sober. I believe in open, transparent politics, and will stand on a platform of complete openness for all council decisions.
I have waged a vigorous campaign against troughing politicians, and you can all expect me to post all details of my council spending online. I will not spend council money on alcohol.
A staunch fiscal conservative, Mr Slater is standing for control of rates rises, and provision of high quality core council services. He will vote against spending in other areas, including Brian Rudman’s Theatre, which is definitely not a core council service.
The campaign trail is likely to be robust, and I am looking forward to candidate debates where records of all candidates will be thoroughly scrutinised.
The case judge in the northwestern province of Tabuk has sent letters to several hospitals seeking their advice on whether it is medically possible to render the attacker’s spinal cord non-functional
in this instance the victim, Abdul-Aziz Al-Mutairi, is insisting that his attacker – who has not been named by Saudi media – suffer the same crippling injury
Liz in real life probably ended up divorcing Philippe by releasing an 83 page powerpoint of his faults and how great she is to the local Balinese papers, and returning to New Zealand to stand for ACT
No sequel please. No sequel please. No sequel please.
Legislation that extends the 90-day employment probation period to all businesses passed its first reading in Parliament today
Labour and the unions were "blinded by ideology" and were refusing to see the positive aspects
Scaremongering like this is disgraceful. It inflames and creates division between communities as well as utterly distorting the truth
Like the graphic of Key flying the Maori flag. That’s exactly what he is.
A vacuous appeaser of separatists and racists.
Anyone with a spine would never have had a bar of these people (Maori Party) in the first place.
a complete bloody lunatic to go near one
Red alert, frog blog and the substandard will be just wetting themselves and that is good as they will still smell funny
Mayoral candidate Len Brown wants to incorporate Waitakere's eco-city into the Super City
It would need Wairarapa MP John Hayes to promote a private member's bill and he had reservations
Cities keen to emulate Wanganui's anti-gang patch law are not having their job made easier by the GovernmentStop pissing around polishing your seat at the trough and get on with the job you were elected to do.
Banning a gang patch isn't going to stop criminal behaviour but what it does do is stop the open intimidation, particularly on the average member of the public, as they are walking down the road on a day-to-day basis doing their own thing
I'm sympathetic to the view that we do have responsible media
by and large you can trust them
The reality is that sadly it's a diminishing number of people who get their information from the newspapers, the TV or radio news.
Younger people get all of their information from Twitter, blogs, and text messages and this is often misinformed
clogged court services could heap more stress on people facing charges
- Finance Minister Bill English has warned public servants that more belt-tightening and job losses are on the way
- they cannot "wait out" the current round of cost cutting
- Surpluses of at least 2 per cent of gross domestic product would be needed before public spending could be significantly increased
- that could be many years away
- That ... may not occur in the professional lives of a large group of middle to senior civil servants
- It's not an option for the public service to wait out these challenges.
- Hope is not a strategy
- The Government faced five more years of budget deficits
- the Government is likely to be losing jobs, rather than creating them in the next five years
The largesse knows no bounds. One of these days those elected to office might just do the job required and not fleece the ratepayers and taxpayers doing it.
- was paid for out of a ratepayer-funded training pot
- each councillor is entitled to spend up to $4000 annually from the discretionary fund
- defended the trip which she said gave valuable insights
- people are so narrow-minded and ignorant
I believe that this is absolutely going to benefit my community
the negative public response had prompted her to reconsider her decision to stand again at the forthcoming local body elections
- Mayor Bob Parker, ... said the media had portrayed her as "some kind of criminal"
- $4000 was "small change..."
- Perhaps the starting point [for stories] should not be that someone has done something stupid or wrong...
It would be good if Mr Harawira realised that not everyone who disagrees with him is a 'boorish redneck'
Labour president Andrew Little has ruled himself out of the race, and has indicated the party may look for a Pacific Island or Maori candidate to contest the seat
- Neighbours of a noisy dog were asked to keep "bark diaries"
- dispute that has soaked up hundreds of hours of council time
- involved police
- since 2006
- two exercise books – bark diaries – filled with the dates, times and the duration of BJ's barking
- barking had made his life hell
- As soon as I step out the door it goes berserk
- Council staff say they have spent about 200 hours on the dispute
- The latest council meeting agenda devotes nine pages to the dispute
- Health Minister Tony Ryall has made it clear the Government wants further savings from Wellington's district health board - "Carry on cutting"
- New Zealand's welfare system is being set up for reform... rising levels of "welfare dependency" were a major concern - "unsustainable, outdated and fragmented"
It is going to be an uphill battle, but it may well be that the events of last week galvanise the caucus and the party
Carter has proven bloody good spectator, if blood sport.
Next, please.