
Sunday, May 13, 2012

This is how its done Mr Key

the “pre-eminence of the family” remains at the heart of the principles that underpin the nation

... the enduring institution of marriage. Marriage is a relationship between one man and one woman.

Mitt sticks his stake firmly in the ground. That should polarise the Stateside discussions. As is the norm, I await liberal progressives to scream loudly about the dire need for homosexual marraige.

That's how it is done Mr Key. No doubt Mr Craig will soon polarise the discussion here in New Zealand.


Andrei said...

It's down "the rabbit hole stuff"

John Key has the spine of a jellyfish and a he panderer to special interests.

Lord have mercy


I see Rassmussen had the Obamination 8 points down.
I support gay marriage, though I am happy for it to be called something else.
However, now we have civil unions, I would much prefer political leaders would focus on the economy.

Judge Holden said...

I see AP has Obama 8 points up.

Fuck, you're a knob Fairy. Always sucking up to neanderthal assholes who hate you. You're worse than they are.

PM of NZ said...

Judge, there's no need to play the man. And who ya callin' neanderthal?

Andrei said...

Who rattled your cage Judge Holden.

We on the right are not tribal - we discuss things and don't always agree - unlike the left who live in an echo chamber and demand conformity.

And not agreeing with Gay marriage does not equate to hating gays.

Where I come from,being a small Government type is to ask myself why does the Government or Church have any role in registering human relationships?

And the answer to that with respect to heterosexual marriage is because it acknowledges the parentage of any children born of that union. It assigns the duties and responsibilities of the so joined couple to the children born of that couple as well as the rights they have with respect to how those children will be bought up in terms of religion, education, culture and language.

This has always been understood but the LEFT thinking they have all the answers hate that people like me bring up our kids to see through their BS be held in contempt.

So they undermine marriage any way they can - and Gay marriage isn't about human rights - it is about seperating out the central reproductive aspect of marriage and weakening the ties between parents (especially the male parent) and their offspring

Judge Holden said...

'heterosexual marriage... acknowledges the parentage of any children born of that union. It assigns the duties and responsibilities of the so joined couple to the children born of that couple as well as the rights they have with respect to how those children will be bought up in terms of religion, education, culture and language."

That statement is entirely and laughably false. Is that the best you can do?

"And who ya callin' neanderthal?"

You're right PM. I apologise to neanderthals (and assholes) everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Colin Craig for PM?
I wish.
Key is spineless and a photograph seeker.
So over that fake smile as well!!

Anonymous said...

If only Craig was the sort of leader National has. Then maybe I would vote for the Nats.
As National currently stand, I never will.
They are no longer a true blue party and haven't been for a long time.