
Thursday, February 28, 2013

Labour still bitching about minimum wage

Since lifting the minimum wage in Labour’s view is the way to go, why not go to a decent number? Stop mucking around, we know you’ll regularly be back for more. So why not $25/hr or $50 or even $100?
All perceived social ills should be well fixed with numbers like that. No need to annoy the taxpaying productive for more each year.
And if these numbers are not suitable, please explain why.

Labour still trying to put Kiwis out of business and out of a job.


Anonymous said...

you try living on $8.00 an haour, riverton dope.

PM of NZ said...

Riverton dope? Anon, you must be referring to those feral greens from down south. Not me, I live well north. And I'd be happy to be earning that much.

mawm said...

Anon 5:12 - $13.75 x 40 might not be enough, but then there is always the option of getting a second job or working extra hours. Millions have done it before.

PM of NZ said...

Exactly MAWM. One does day shift, the second parent does an evening shift. Life goes on, the kids go to school and the first and second mortgages (almost 20%) get paid.

You might eat baked beans and sausages for a while, but eventually there is light at the end of the tunnel. It took us nearly a decade to break even, not a government handout like Working for Welfare in sight. Or ever considered.

It's called life Anon, you'd do well to get on with it to get ahead.

Anonymous said...

Yeah. Poverty's such a noble and romantic thing when you're an aging right-wing fucktard, and don't have to actually experience it first hand (no doubt because of all that hard work).

Anonymous said...

meanies, I bet you all get $20.00 plus an hour, maybe you are the bosses. They never want to be fair.

Anonymous said...

The whole point of low wages is that the first job is essentially an educative process. How to relate to the public, how to relate to workmates, how to get out of bed, how to self-discipline and how to budget. Nobody insists that any of us stay on the minimum wage for life. Why labour carps on about it as though it will never be enough and/or it is a life sentence mystifies me utterly.


PM of NZ said...

Exactly Cadw. We've all been there, but lived through it. And most had a damned good time. Slightly more than a Herald run, youth rates gave some financial independence. At least till you'd pissed it all away before next payday, when you learnt some hard lessons in budgetary skills.

And even though the leftards often tell us boot camps don't work, instilling good discipline and daily work ethics in the young are immeasurable for the rigours of later family life.

mawm said...

Anon - I really have to love they way you attack people rather than listen to the message. /sarc You're just another whiney, moronic, left-wing bludger who thinks that there is just an endless supply of other peoples money and it's ok to live off other peoples hard work.

I have been there working 80 - 90 hours/week, and at times times even upto 112h/week. The last 30 or years I've done 60+h/week, every week. Think of how many bludgers I have supported over the last 40 years. Now that I'm an "ageing right-wing fucktard" I have cut it down to 40h/week. Life feels like a holiday and I give less money to grasping left-wing morons. It makes me feel good! Life's sooooo unfair and you know what………….I don't give a f*#k.