was satisfied Iti no longer posed a risk to the community
Nine months served of a 30 month sentence. As to being a community risk, I daresay he won't be able to stop himself stirring the pot. Past actions have shown he likes the limelight.
What an effin' joke is our justice system. However I do notice his master-at-arms remains incarcerated.
NZ is in the sewers these days, PM, and this is just proof of it. Aid the criminals, this is just the same old.
Same old joke justice that is NZ in this era.
Bring hack Holyoake, but we won't see the likes of him again.
Feeble and droll Key doesn't give a tin whistle.
bugger off riverton troll
Oh, so you must be a rabid pinko, after all.
You have just been flicked off my blogroll, you try hard grass polisher!
very angry man?
anon anon anon best wishes.
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