
Friday, November 11, 2011

Poll shocks Smile and Wave

the election "is definitely not over"
National has plunged nearly five points to below 50 per cent

Too late, Mr Do Nothing Key. You had your chance, but chose to look good for three years.
seeking the support of New Zealanders to form a strong, stable government at this crucial time

Now New Zealanders are looking for some real government, not more of the same lies. Liarbour remains in the dogbox for failing to change, now their partner in crime Liarbour-Lite is getting some of the same message from the electorate.

An unholy coalition of racist separatists and economy wrecking tree huggers does not do it for me.


Redbaiter said...

Da,mn right.

Key and his yellow backs need to understand that not every voter in NZ is a brainwashed urban liberal.

MathewK said...

That is good news, but this is worrying -
"The Greens are also on the rise and would have 16 MPs - seven more."

Are people that stupid, the left failed, so let's give the mad left a chance. Really?

I often wonder, what will it take for some of these morons to wake up, a cuba-style dictatorship, a couple of years in some gulag for saying the wrong thing perhaps.

PM of NZ said...

MK, the only way is a real government that removes the benefits.

Just like in real life, when a sulky hormone-ridden know-it-all teen in your household decides they've had enough of thinking about work, most get shown the front door quicksmart.

Unfortunately today, for us nett taxpayers, there is this place called WINZ awaiting at your front gate, ever ready to mollycoddle and indoctrinate them into a life of benefits and bludging.

Anonymous said...

"Unfortunately today, for us nett taxpayers, there is this place called WINZ awaiting at your front gate, ever ready to mollycoddle and indoctrinate them into a life of benefits and bludging."

Poor you. Something's turned you into a bitter, angry old man. What was it do you think? For Redbaiter it was shooting blanks. Perhaps with you a life of mediocrity and envy? It's a bit late for you to become happy, but perhaps you can do some good as a warning for others.

PM of NZ said...

"bitter, angry"

Definitely, but not old. But heartily sick of bludgers who are not prepared to do the hard yards, expecting me to pay to raise their families whilst wanting the trappings of modern life like flash cars, a plasma TV and a home with all the mod cons on my dime.

Mediocrity and envy? Never! Every thing I possess I have worked hard to achieve, without handouts and paid for myself, having made the necessary sacrifices to achieve the results.