
Friday, November 18, 2011

That's more like it

on 4.9 per cent

With figures like that, the kingmaker arises.

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters is rising from the political grave and is within a whisker of returning to Parliament and possibly holding the balance of power

Yet again there is still some life in the old prick.

Meanwhile, ACT is dead, rigor mortis is setting in.



Now now, PM, I see ACT has risen in the polls a little, as it has in other polls this week.
Obviously, it all depends on Epsom but that tea party trick seems to have worked.
I think rather than stick the knife into Brash as some supposed ACT party supporters have, those on the right would do best to rally around their leader and party.
The inquests and bloodletting can begin AFTER the election, not before it.
I would like the Conservatives to win Rodney, though it sounds like the National Party man there is a good guy.
But the Conservatives are down in the Herald poll.
Surely, the last thing we all need is for Winston Peters to hold the country to ransom.

KG said...

"Surely, the last thing we all need is for Winston Peters to hold the country to ransom."

You mean, instead of the racists and separatists holding the country to ransom, Fairfacts?
What the hell does it matter? Watching all this from afar I'm struck by just how trivial, irrelevant and dishonest the Kiwi elections are.
And how Kiwis these days are a bunch of indoctrinated socialists squabbling over the loot.clemerie

Mort said...

it would be funny if he did get back in, and was asked ayt every interview, if NZF had paid the money back yet


KG, I remember when Winnie did this in the late 90s.
The buzz New Zealand had in 1996 had gone by the time I returned in 1998.
What was it? Six weeks to form a government?
I accept your point about the Maori Party and the lack of action from Key.
As for triviality, the media has been most shameful this week with its obsession over the Tea Party tape.
Europe is on the edge of a precipice and we obsess over things no-one is surprised about such as NZ First voters are dying off, John Key has a low opinion of Don Brash and so on.