
Saturday, November 19, 2011

"would like a rehabilitative sentence"

  • He would like a rehabilitative sentence
  • I think that would help my problems I have got at the moment – common sense really
  • It's no use sending me to jail
  • You've tried that six times and it hasn't worked
  • Try a different approach, I think
A prime example of a candidate for three strikes tells the beak how he would like to be sentenced. Really? Lock the bastard up.


Anonymous said...

Yep, because prison's so effective. Look at Nelson Mandela, 25 years behind bars and he's never reoffended. Imprison people for every offence from jay-walking up. And give me a tax cut.

You're a genius.

Oswald Bastable said...

A sentence that involves making little rocks out of big rocks- daily rations depending on the market valve of little rocks (bugger all) should be the oder of the day.

Learn the value of money- that is lesson one.

Anonymous said...

"daily rations depending on the market valve (sic) of little rocks (bugger all) should be the oder (sic) of the day."

Hic. Burp. More sherry!

ZenTiger said...

Anon compares a career criminal to Nelson Mandela and then uses "genius" in sarcasm.

Bunk him at Anton's house and let him work through the rehab.

But a little more seriously, rehab doesn't have to be mutually exclusive with a prison sentence.

Mel Philpott said...

Rod Stewart DVD? Obviously just stealing for kicks...