
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

No wonder our society is in decline

"Hope you enjoy your Xmas spoils"

"Xmas"???  I kid you not. 

The newest grinning queer to front the weather screen on TV One cannot even think for himself (or herself?) when reading the teleprompter to replace the on screen abbreviation with the real word.  CHRISTmas!!

No wonder our society is in serious decline.


Anonymous said...

Yep, that's the reason the world's going to end all right! The weather presenters work for the progressives and want to destroy xtianity! And they're winning! Squawk!

Anonymous said...

The X stands for something in Greek (I think) so is not the offensive term you automatically take. I heard the explanation on Rhema the other day but can't recall the details or be bothered to check. You can't impose Christianity on anyone - its God's call and in any case we were never promised an easy ride.
